Eric.ed.gov – Math Recovery: Making Our School Good and Our Students Successful

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article is an overview of how Flin Flon School Division in Flin Flon, Manitoba, used money received through grant funding to revamp its math programming in order to meet the needs of the students within the division. A combination of standardized test scores and individual teacher assessments revealed where student mathematical understanding was lacking. Specific teachers were then trained in particular math programs purchased through this funding. As well, additional math specialist positions were created to help the division’s students learn better, and therefore become more successful with the math curriculum. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Incentive Fund STEM Grant in Houston ISD: A Matched-Comparison Analysis of Math and Science STAAR Scores. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since established by an Appropriations Act in 2006, the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) competitive grant program in the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) has supported human capital strategies “to ensure that students attending high-poverty schools have better access to effective teachers and principals, especially in hard-to-staff subject areas” such as science and math. Responding to the national agenda to improve STEM education, in 2012, the fourth cohort of the Teacher Incentive Fund federal grant competition (TIF4) included special consideration for projects designed to improve STEM education by identifying, developing, and utilizing master teachers as leaders of broader improvements (OESE, 2012a). A human capital approach to strengthening STEM education addressed the TIF4 project schools’ need for high-quality supports for student learning, and the systemic challenges to teacher retention,… Continue Reading