Eric.ed.gov – Developing Math Skills in Early Childhood. Issue Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brief presents a promising approach to supporting the development of early math skills in young children. The approach synthesizes the influence of parents, the home environment, and children’s health care providers, and is being implemented in Washington State by Reach Out and Read. Reach Out and Read is a program in which health care providers give young children new books while modeling effective reading techniques and encouraging parents to read with their children at home. When families participate in Reach Out and Read, parents read aloud more often and children improve their language and literacy skills. Because math and reading can be integrated through Reach Out and Read, parents can learn to simultaneously support the development of their children’s early language, literacy, and math skills in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strengthening Maths Learning Dispositions through ‘Math Clubs’

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this paper, I argue that the establishment of after-school mathematics clubs in early grades holds rich potential for supporting the development of increasingly participatory and sensemaking maths learning dispositions. Within the South African Numeracy Chair project, lead by the author, multiple after-school mathematics clubs have been set up for learners in Grades 3-6 across Eastern Cape schools. These clubs are a complementary initiative to teacher development, aimed at improving low levels of numeracy learning across the majority of schools in the province. Two sources of data, learner interviews and teacher questionnaires, from one case study club, are shared in this article to illuminate the potential such clubs hold in developing increasingly participatory mathematics learning dispositions. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Maths Games: A Universal Design Approach to Mathematical Reasoning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Providing students with an opportunity to explore mathematical content through games allows teachers to include tasks that: (1) present alternative representations of the content; (2) welcome various expressions of mathematical reasoning; and (3) incorporate variations that empower all students to engage in the problem solving process. Games not only motivate students to learn mathematical concepts, but games also embody the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)–a framework designed to optimise instructional decisions to meet students’ needs. In this article, the authors Games not only motivate students to learn mathematical concepts, but games also embody the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)–a framework designed to optimise instructional decisions to meet students’ needs. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Math and Economics: Implementing Authentic Instruction in Grades K-5

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to outline a partnership program that involved a local elementary school district, an institution of higher education, the local business community, and a state economic education advocacy group to integrate economics into math in grades K-5. The “Economics: Math in Real Life” program was provided in collaboration with a Title I program to integrate economics and personal finance content into mathematics instruction to demonstrate real-life applications of math concepts and increase students’ knowledge in this content area. Pretests and posttests were administered to gauge effectiveness of the authentic instruction program in increasing student knowledge in math and economics and teacher knowledge in economics. Empirical results indicate learning occurred in both math and economics for students in grades 3-5 and in economics… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Visual Images Related to Angle Concept in the 5th Grade Maths Coursebooks

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There are different perspectives in the literature on the examination of visual images used in course books. In this study, illustrations from the visuals used in geometry in the lower learning area of school mathematics were examined and summarized first by researchers and then by teachers and students. For many students, the mathematics coursebook is the first material they encounter in understanding the course content and conveying the mathematics culture. In this study, the illustrations related to the concept of Angle used in mathematics coursebook, two books published abroad, two books published in Turkey, for 5th-grade students were analyzed. The type of research is Document Analysis and the illustrations were examined in qualitative and quantitative terms. In this way, the study aimed to analyze the contribution of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Accelerated Math®. Primary Mathematics. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Accelerated Math®,” published by Renaissance Learning, is a software tool that provides practice problems for students in grades K-12 and provides teachers with reports to monitor student progress. “Accelerated Math®” creates individualized student assignments, scores the assignments, and generates reports on student progress. The software is typically used with the math curriculum being used in the classroom to add practice for students and help teachers differentiate instruction through the program’s progress-monitoring data. This review focuses on studies of the use of “Accelerated Math®” in kindergarten through pre-algebra classes. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified six studies of “Accelerated Math®” that both fall within the scope of the Primary Mathematics topic area and meet WWC group design standards. Two studies meet WWC group design standards without reservations, and… Continue Reading