tandfonline.com – Preservice teachers’ experiences of pandemic related school closures: anti-structure, liminality and communitas

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Initial Teacher Education (ITE) can be viewed as a formative space in professional teacher identity development. Practice plays a key role in shaping teacher identity, providing a window into the reality of school life, as well as nurturing professional autonomy. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, school life shifted suddenly and unrecognisably in March 2020. This paper focuses on the experiences of preservice teachers on an ITE programme (post-primary) in one Irish University during the period of sudden school closures. The data show the transition to be problematic, underscored by a chaotic pivot to virtual communication and a destabilising of the structures that normally provide consistency. Yet it also presented opportunities and responsibilities. We explore Victor Turner’s work to consider… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The Decrease of School Related Reading in Swedish Compulsory School – Trends Between 2007 and 2017

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Even though the importance of extensive reading practice is well documented, as are students’ changing leisure-time reading habits, knowledge of how much students read at school is still limited. Therefore, this study investigates how many pages of continuous text, nonfiction as well as fiction, students in middle (Grades 4–6) and lower secondary (Grades 7–9) school read during an ordinary school day. Comparing data from two large-scale surveys, in 2007 and 2017, our analyses indicate that the proportion of students who read one full page or more has decreased significantly. More students in middle school compared to lower secondary still read nonfiction, whereas the reading of fiction is now equally low. We conclude that the growing achievement gap among… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – [Arizona] Field Test Report. Vol. 12. Construction Industry Related Math. 1974-75.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The field test report on the “Construction Industry Related Math” instructional unit for grade 7 is one of a series of reports on the Arizona developed Career Education Curriculum Units. Presented is specific information as to the success of the units in terms of the learner’s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor behavior according to expressed performance and behavioral objectives. Cognitive and student and teacher attitudinal data were collected from six sites and projects in Arizona. Following the introduction, a brief description of the unit is given. The body of the document presents and discusses various tables showing field test results in the following areas: (1) information describing the field test, including demographic characteristics of both participating teachers and learners, (2) attitudinal data from both teachers and learners concerning… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Identifying Indicators Related to Constructs for Engineering Design Outcome

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study ranked constructs articulated by Childress and Rhodes (2008) and identified the key indicators for each construct as a starting point to explore what should be included on an instrument to measure the engineering design process and outcomes of students in high schools that use the PLTW and EbDTM curricula in Idaho. A case-study design was used. Data were collected in two stages. In the first stage, a content analysis was conducted for PLTW and EbDTM curricula to identify the indicators that are associated with the six constructs articulated by Childress and Rhodes (2008). In the second stage, the constructs and key indicators or concepts were placed on a survey and sent to experts for them to rate their importance for assessment and their difficulty to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Baker’s Dozen 13 Palm Applications For Mathematics (And Math Related!) Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: If you are considering using handhelds in your classroom, you have a number of things to consider: (1) equipment management; (2) student contracts for out of class use;(3) tutorials;(4) curriculum integration, (4)success stories; and (5) current research on handheld effectiveness. To help teachers learn more about classroom use of handhelds, the Organization for Educational Technology and Curriculum (OETC, formerly known as Oregon Educational Technology Consortium) has worked in conjunction with the South Lane and Eugene 4J School Districts, both of which are recipients of U.S. Department of Education, Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed Tech) grants to develop the Northwest Handheld Project http://www.nwhandheld.org). Palm handheld computers are being used in classrooms across America in creative ways to engage students in learning. The applications reviewed in this article represent… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice in the Field of Education: The Dilemmas Related to Organizational Design

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Evidence-informed policy and practice has been a trend as part of an effort to increase the use of research to improve education at all levels. In many countries, knowledge-brokering initiatives were established to stimulate links between research, policy, and practice. Drawing on a mapping of initiatives in seven countries, this article describes different organizational designs, and discusses potential dilemmas these might imply for the realization of these organizations’ roles. Given different interests involved, the article shows that organizational design is crucial for enhancing legitimacy. Findings indicate a trend toward locating the knowledge-brokering function in a combined policy–science logic. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Universal Beliefs and Specific Practices: Students’ Math Self-Efficacy and Related Factors in the United States and China

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study intends to compare and contrast student and school factors that are associated with students’ mathematics self-efficacy in the United States and China. Using hierarchical linear regressions to analyze the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 data, this study compares math self-efficacy, achievement, and variables such as math teacher support and socioeconomic status (SES) between 15-year-old students in the U.S. and in Shanghai, China. The findings suggest that on average, students from Shanghai showed higher math self-efficacy and better achievement than those of American students. However, at the student level, similar positive relationships between math teacher support and math self-efficacy and between SES and math self-efficacy were found in both locations. That is, in the U.S. and Shanghai, an increase in math teacher support predicts… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Visual Images Related to Angle Concept in the 5th Grade Maths Coursebooks

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There are different perspectives in the literature on the examination of visual images used in course books. In this study, illustrations from the visuals used in geometry in the lower learning area of school mathematics were examined and summarized first by researchers and then by teachers and students. For many students, the mathematics coursebook is the first material they encounter in understanding the course content and conveying the mathematics culture. In this study, the illustrations related to the concept of Angle used in mathematics coursebook, two books published abroad, two books published in Turkey, for 5th-grade students were analyzed. The type of research is Document Analysis and the illustrations were examined in qualitative and quantitative terms. In this way, the study aimed to analyze the contribution of… Continue Reading