Eric.ed.gov – Learning in Linguistically Diverse Middle School Classrooms: The Role of the Classroom Peer Network

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The literature suggests there is much to be gained from exploring the role of the peer network in linguistically diverse “mainstream” middle school classrooms (i.e., classrooms that include English language learners alongside fluent English-speakers). The present study uses social network analysis to examine whether between-classroom and between-student variation in cross-language-status integration in the classroom peer network may contribute to between-classroom and between-student differences in learning. Data from a larger mixed-methods study at a linguistically diverse middle school in the southeastern United States are analyzed to test two hypotheses: (1) Classrooms with more linguistically integrated peer networks (i.e., those in which the network of friendships in the classroom is less segregated by ELL status) will show greater growth in classroom mean standardized test scores across the school year;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Determining Quantity and Strength of Relationships between STEM Camp Participants and the Math Student Camp Leaders

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There is a global issue concerning the disparity in educational achievement associated with the socioeconomic status of students, known in the U.S. as the Achievement Gap. This Achievement Gap highly correlates with what has been called the Opportunity Gap for professional careers. This paper discusses this Opportunity Gap and how the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) is addressing the gap at a local level through summer STEM camps. Specifically, this paper looks at the increase of social capital of the participants of the UNO and Girls Inc. Eureka-STEM! summer camp through the development of instructional relationships between underserved girls ages 12-14 and UNO’s Institutional Agents, namely the Mathematics student camp leaders who were also pursuing teacher certification. A new assessment approach through the use of Social Network… Continue Reading