Eric.ed.gov – Talking with U.S. Secretary of Education: Margaret Spellings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This summer, “Instructor’s” Editor in Chief, Bernadette Grey, traveled to Washington, D.C., for an exclusive one-on-one meeting with the U.S. Department of Education’s high-profile leader, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. Appointed by President Bush, Spellings is responsible for the overall direction, supervision, and coordination of activities and functions as the Chief Operating Officer for the entire Department. Spellings, who replaced the controversial Rod Paige earlier this year, has been focused thus far on implementing No Child Left Behind and on sharing the stories of improved test scores in many American school districts. Charming and tenacious, she also made it clear that she feels a special bond with teachers and wants and needs them on her side. This article presents the conversation between Grey and Spellings wherein they… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Job-Related Basic Math Skills: An Analysis of Employees and Employers/Supervisors’ Perception of Needed Math Skills for Office Occupations.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Phase I of a study was conducted to identify the basic mathematics competencies needed for job success in office occupations (14 job clusters). It also sought to determine the differences between employees’ and employer/supervisors’ perceptions of the degree of importance of mathematics skills for office occupations. Following a review of literature, a preliminary list of business and office mathematics skills was submitted to an advisory committee of business teachers, field tested, and refined into a questionnaire that contained a list of 36 basic mathematics skills and 30 mathematics-related business skills. Survey forms were created and sent to 1,652 employees and 288 employer/supervisors at 58 businesses in Louisiana, with responses returned by 854 employees and 171 employer/supervisors. Tables were prepared showing ratings of mathematics skills by each of… Continue Reading