Eric.ed.gov – Learning to Do Math the Metalworking Way.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This curriculum guide, one of 15 volumes written for field test use with educationally disadvantaged industrial education students needing additional instruction in the basic skill areas, deals with helping students develop basic mathematics skills while studying metalworking. Addressed in the individual units of the guide are the following topics: performing lattice multiplication, reading a ruler, marking lines for welding, choosing the correct size rivet, using fractions and decimals to build metal shop projects, measuring with decimals, and reading a micrometer. Each unit contains some or all of the following: a discussion of the major concepts of the technique being covered, instructions to the teacher concerning the use of the given technique, suggested related activities, student instructions, a student assignment, supplemental activities, and one or more worksheets. A… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Learning to Do Math the Automotive Way.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This curriculum guide, one of 15 volumes written for field test use with educationally disadvantaged industrial education students needing additional instruction in the basic skill areas, deals with helping students develop basic mathematics skills while studying auto mechanics. Addressed in the individual units of the guide are the following topics: figuring the cost of gasoline, performing basic arithmetic operations, figuring gear ratios, checking and changing the float level on a carburetor, determining gas mileage, using a micrometer, and making measurements. Each unit contains some or all of the following: a discussion of the major concepts of the technique being covered, instructions to the teacher concerning the use of the given technique, suggested related activities, student instructions, a student assignment, supplemental activities, and one or more worksheets. A… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Math, Science, & Manufacturing Collaborative.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The concept of a collaborative math and science project grew out of the need expressed by Cleveland State University (Ohio) engineering faculty and junior and senior high school teachers. These groups sought to provide students with connections to “real world” situations that they will face as they transition into the workplace of the future. The underlying assumptions of the collaboration are that secondary teachers’ understanding of engineering concepts will be enhanced by engaging in engineering problem solving and that the teachers will then incorporate lessons learned from the experiences into their classroom teaching. The goals for the project were to: (1) improve the quality of instruction provided to students; (2) better prepare in-service teachers; (3) increase understanding of educational barriers to curricular change; (4) facilitate the exchange… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Minority Women in Math and Science. Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This teacher’s guide contains lessons and activities that serve as examples of ways to utilize the student booklet, Minority Women in Math and Science, in a variety of subject areas. The minority groups dealt with are American Indians, Asian Americans, Blacks, and Hispanics. The guide consists of eight lesson plans structured in a conceptual format. Information as to the subject area, grade level, and name of teacher who developed it are given. Each lesson plan has an organizational theme given under the heading “Key Concepts” (stereotyping, discrimination, careers) which should facilitate the incorporation of these lessons into ongoing curricula. One or more “generalizations” for each lesson provides teachers with a statement or statements of content emphasis. Specific behavioral objectives are followed by a section on teaching procedures… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Student Teachers: How Well Prepared Are They?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was conducted to find out how well mathematics majors at the University of Northern Iowa were prepared in the foundations of effective teaching practices and how well they performed during the student teaching experience. Data were gathered from mathematics student teachers (N=22) who were observed, interviewed, and asked to keep daily journals. Results suggest that mathematics teacher education students: (1) be required to create practical problems for pupils for every mathematics course in grades 7-12; (2) be required to take a course that deals with writing across the curriculum so they can better incorporate English into their classroom instruction; (3) spend time working with and investigating the use of technology in classroom instruction; and (4) enroll in course work outside the department of mathematics that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers’ Definition of Math: Creating and Implementing an Instrument.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: After having secondary math education majors write an essay entitled, “What is Mathematics?” for the past 4 years, the first attempt was made to create an instrument based on the results of these essays that would measure math beliefs. Based on previous research which suggests that a math teacher’s beliefs influence the teacher’s methodology, the instrument was administered to elementary education majors to determine their methodological tendencies. The results are compared to similar data obtained from secondary math education majors (n=11) and urban, college-bound high school juniors (n=13). The results suggest that elementary education majors who expect to teach mathematics need a broader vision of what mathematics is. Appendixes contain the survey instrument and results. (Author/NB) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Capitalizing on Context: Curriculum Integration in Career and Technical Education. A Joint Report of the NRCCTE Curriculum Integration Workgroup

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE) has undertaken three scientifically based research studies in an effort to determine whether the integration of career and technical education (CTE) courses with academic content can increase student achievement. These include the Math-in-CTE study, completed in 2005 (also known as “Building Academic Skills in Context”; Stone, Alfeld, Pearson, Lewis, & Jensen, 2006); the Authentic Literacy Applications in CTE pilot study, completed in 2009, with a full-year study launched in 2010; and the Science-in-CTE pilot study, launched in 2010. Each of these three studies was designed as a group-randomized trial in which teachers and their classes were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Each also employed a mixed-methods approach intended to capture qualitative data in order to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Chattanooga Math Trail: Community Mathematics Modules, Volume 1.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This collection of community mathematics modules, or “math trail”, is appropriate for middle grades and high school students (grades 5-12). Collectively, the modules pay attention to all 10 of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards which include five content standards (Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis, and Probability), and five process standards (Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections, and Representation). Activities include: (1) “The Carousel at Coolidge Park”; (2) “Utilizing Government Regulation Measurements to Demonstrate Algebraic Application”; (3) “A Local Paper Manufacturer’s Wood Yard”; (4) “Algebra Is Everywhere-Engel Stadium”; (5) “Bridges of Chattanooga”; (6) “Buckner-Rush Funeral Home-Dying to Do Math”; (7) “Challenger Center-Our Mission to Mars”; (8) “Chattanooga Ducks”; (9) “Chattanooga Riverwalk”; (10) “Coolidge Park”; (11) “Ducks Unlimited Conservation Benefit at… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Secondary-Level Student Teachers’ Conceptions of Mathematical Proof

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recent reforms in mathematics education have led to an increased emphasis on proof and reasoning in mathematics curricula. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics highlights the important role that teachers’ knowledge and beliefs play in shaping students’ understanding of mathematics, their confidence in and outlook on mathematics education, and their ability to use math to solve fundamental problems. It is crucial that teachers, especially the uninitiated, understand on a deep level the mathematical concepts that they are expected to teach to adolescents. Thus, it becomes critical for teacher educators to assess the understanding and abilities of student teachers in constructing mathematical proof. The analysis in this study is based on three factors: 1) meaning of proof, 2) ideas about teaching methods on proof, and 3) ideas… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math on the Job. Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This teacher’s guide explains the content and scope of a 30-booklet series of instructional booklets that provide various special needs students with the opportunity to explore a career and practice math skills simultaneously. The introductory section explains the way in which the series, entitled Math on the Job, will benefit high school students with the following disabilities: mental retardation, learning disabilities, and serious emotional disturbances. The second and third sections outline the scope of the series and provide guidelines for its use. Next, a math competency matrix is presented and explained. A list of suggested enrichment activities concludes the guide. (MN) Link til kilde