Eric.ed.gov – A Multisite Cluster Randomized Trial of the Effects of CompassLearning Odyssey[R] Math on the Math Achievement of Selected Grade 4 Students in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Final Report. NCEE 2009-4068

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an effort to identify instructional methods that might improve mathematics learning at the grade 4 level when used in a variety of educational settings under typical conditions, the REL Mid-Atlantic research team looked for promising, replicable practices that were being used broadly by teachers in U.S. schools, for which research showed promising results but had not been conducted using methodologies that can establish causal relationships. CompassLearning’s Odyssey[R] Math product met all of these criteria. Odyssey Math is a computer-based math curriculum developed by CompassLearning, Inc., to improve math learning for K-12 students. The software consists of a web-accessed series of learning activities, assessments, and math tools. These components constitute the basic framework of the software. CompassLearning professional development trainers presented the learning activities, math tools, and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Examining the Influence of a Mobile Learning Intervention on Third Grade Math Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Third grade students at a Midwestern elementary school participated in a 9-week mobile learning intervention (MLI). Two classrooms used Everyday Math and daily practice using flashcards, etc., to learn multiplication. Two other classrooms used Everyday Math and web applications for the iPod touch for daily practice. MLI students outperformed comparison students on a postintervention multiplication test controlling for several covariates, including prior achievement, home iPod touch use, and previous teacher, among others. The medium-sized performance advantage (b = 0.217) was statistically significant at the 0.01 alpha level. The MLI influence on the most difficult multiplication items was also statistically significant but less important than the student’s demographic profile and the teacher’s advanced educational technology degree. Experimental research is needed to assess longer-term achievement effects for diverse student… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “It’s Just Like Learning, Only Fun”–A Teacher’s Perspective of Empirically Validating Effectiveness of a Math App

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this paper is to provide a narrative of work in progress to validate a math app designed for number sense. To date I have conducted classroom research and pilot studies across ten early childhood classrooms in two schools and will begin an empirical study at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. Through my work I believe the fields of neuroscience, education, and digital science offer robust and unique ways to address at least two barriers I encountered: identifying instructional computer adaptive software containing embedded assessments and designed explicitly with cognitive models of learning; and developing ongoing collaborative research networks to validate this software. In an attempt to inform the work of those working in the fields of digital science, cognitive science and education,… Continue Reading