Eric.ed.gov – Kodak Skills Enhancement Program Curriculum: Math for Manufacturing and Quality Control. Report No. AEP-93-01.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This teacher’s guide is intended for use in helping Kodak Corporation employees develop the basic mathematics skills required to perform the manufacturing and quality control tasks expected of them. The following topics are covered in the first five modules: the four basic functions (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing), calculations involving decimals, percentages, positive and negative numbers, and fractions. The sixth module reviews the topics covered in the preceding modules and helps students transfer the mathematics skills presented to applications on the shop floor. Each module includes some or all of the following: the module goal, an introduction, materials and guidelines for direct instruction, activities for use in guided practice, materials for use in applied practice, activities to develop critical thinking strategies, and a pretest and posttest. Transparency… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Workplace Literacy Curriculum: A Competency-Based Approach for ESL, Math, & Reading.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document provides a curriculum that is comprised of workplace-specific literacy methods, materials, and assessment techniques that are customized yet broadly applicable. A process section introduces the curriculum by describing its development process. It discusses staff development, needs assessment, competency development, materials selection, and instruction. The section concludes with an evaluation of the curriculum development process. The product section consists of the curriculum itself, with a statement of philosophy and goals, student profiles, the scope of instruction, assessment and evaluation strategies, instructional techniques, course outlines, and sample lesson plans. Six course outlines (two in each area) are provided: English as a second language, general math, and reading/writing. Lists of subject area competencies are provided. Each course outline states the competency and then lists basic skills it encompassed,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Basic Workplace Math for Non-Native English Speakers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is the teacher’s edition of a learning module designed to help nonnative English speakers develop basic workplace mathematics skills. This module was developed by educators from the Emily Griffith Opportunity School. The math curriculum presented in how math might be taught to nonnative English speakers at a manufacturing worksite. Included in the manual are an introduction outlining the module’s objectives and scope, eight session outlines, an appendix explaining basic differences between the mathematical conventions used in the United States and in other countries, and an answer key. The following topics are covered in the session outlines: basic math problems, basic operations, story problems, estimation and averages, decimals, standard allowed minute, division of decimals, and piece rate formulas. Each session outline contains some or all of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math for Machine Operators. Workplace Education. Instructor’s Guide. Project ALERT.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This instructor’s guide contains materials for a 40-hour course designed to refresh math skills for current computer numerical control machine operators. The course uses two instructional methods: computer-based multimedia and traditional instruction. The course description lists target audience and general objective. The next section gives instructors basic information related to providing successful educational programs in a workplace setting, an instructor’s lexicon of strategies and principles that can be used in teaching, instructor’s role and responsibilities, and course objectives. An explanation of lesson format describes these components of each lesson plan: unit name; lesson name; description and specific goals; objectives; prerequisite skills; technology use; materials needed; teacher to teacher; pretest; posttest; purpose/rationale; procedures/activities; evaluation and extension activities; resources; and homework. A section on planning and scheduling deals with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Phoenix Closures, Inc. Curriculum. Basic Workplace Math. Worker Education Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document contains the lesson plans for a 12-week course in basic workplace math that was developed for clothing and textile workers through the joint efforts of Northeastern Illinois University’s Chicago Teachers’ Center and the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. A chart for recording students’ mastery of 25 course objectives is provided. The following topics are covered in the 12 course units: goal setting and math phobia; enumerating and computing; basic operations and workplace computing (addition and subtraction); basic operations and workplace computing (multiplication and division); workplace problems for production; introduction to fractions; basic operations for fractions; word problems using fractions; percentages and fractional equivalents; measurement (imperial versus metric); numerical interpretations on blueprints; and calculators and estimating and general review. The lesson plan included for each… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Pre-blueprint Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This workbook, designed for workplace literacy courses, contains materials for a mathematics review course to be taken prior to a course in blueprint reading. The course provides practice in the mathematics skills students need in order to take a blueprints course, including practice in calculating decimals, linear measurement, common fractions and mixed numbers, and determining angles. Introductory materials include objectives, a topical outline, a course outline, and information on course time. The workbook contains teacher tips for 10 sessions (handouts and materials, lecture ideas, and classroom exercises), information sheets and problem set materials for four sessions, and a pretest and a posttest with answers. The lessons and units include information sheets and problems to solve through mathematics and measurement. (KC) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Math in the Workplace.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document, which is designed to assist workplace education practitioners in business, education, and labor partnerships funded through the Massachusetts Department of Education’s Workplace Literacy Program, includes materials about and/or for use in developing workers’ mathematics skills. The first section, which examines the current state of the art of workplace math programs, lists math skills needed in the workplace and strategies for teaching mathematics in the workplace (teacher as facilitator, integration into other curriculum areas, collaborative learning, development of individual problem-solving strategies, importance of process, use of hands-on activities/manipulatives, and application of learning). In the second section, the author relates her own experiences in developing and presenting workplace mathematics programs to help employees accomplish the following: improve job performance, pass an examination/test, and become better-informed employees. The… Continue Reading