tandfonline.com – Self-perceived and actual competencies of senior high school students in General Mathematics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Having produced the first batch of the K to 12 program graduates in the country in 2018, an evaluation of their acquired competence is one of the priorities of the government. This study analyzed the perceived, actual, and reasons behind the competence level in General Mathematics of 410 Grade 12 students. The study employed a General Mathematics Competency test to measure the students’ actual competence, Rapid Competency Assessment Questionnaire to analyze students’ self-perceived learned competence; and, interview schedule for the reasons for having the acquired competence. Results showed that the three areas of General Mathematics that include Functions and their Graphs, Business Mathematics, and Logic were perceived to be satisfactory by the Senior High School students, but the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – First-Grade Retention: Effects on Children’s Actual and Perceived Performance throughout Elementary Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study investigates the effects of repeating first grade on children’s further academic growth, by tracking the actual performance and the teacher-rated performance of a cohort of Flemish first-graders until the end of elementary school. Two research questions are raised: (1) How do first-grade repeaters, at the cost of one extra year of education, develop in comparison to younger children with whom they will eventually finish elementary school (i.e., same-grade comparison), taking into account their propensity of repeating first grade?; and (2) How would first-grade retainees have developed, had they been promoted to second grade instead (i.e., same-age comparison)? This study is part of the large-scale longitudinal SiBO project, designed to investigate Flemish children’s development and school trajectory throughout elementary education (Maes, Ghesquiere, Onghena, & Van Damme,… Continue Reading