tandfonline.com – Brexit and academia: a satyr play where exit prevails voice

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This introduction to the special issue Brexit and Academia sketches some of the key challenges for academia that emerged from Brexit. Based on a brief overview of the current state of the withdrawal and the trade agreements, we reflect upon the consequences of Brexit on transnational research, academic mobility, and research funding. We discuss the role and function of Euroscepticism for understanding the United Kingdom’s slow but constant move towards exiting the Union. We further outline the key function of Euroscepticism for explaining the formation of an imagined community of ‘Brexiteers’ in fostering the rise of an ‘island mentality.’ The introduction closes by considering potentially productive effects of a crisis such as Brexit, which has opened up new… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The typewriter mind: modernism, populism and anti-humanism

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Recent commentaries on the resurgence of populist nationalism have referred back to the early twentieth century. Such analogies are criticised by scholarly historians, but in a frame of post-humanist theory, the very method of comparison recalls early modernist treatments of political and historical language as essentially metaphoric and fictive. The essay focuses on T.E. Hulme’s writing, drawing attention to three challenges to humanism described in his work. Firstly, it examines his critique of excessive scientific confidence that led to a ‘nightmare of determinism’. Secondly, it shows how Hulme was both fascinated and disturbed by forms of vitalism that gave individuals agency but seemingly also a vulnerability to manipulation. Thirdly, Hulme advocates a form of a politics subordinated to… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Bees & butterflies: Polish migrants’ social anchoring, mobility and risks post-Brexit

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The result of the Brexit referendum and subsequent uncertainty regarding its actual consequences, particularly for the EU citizens living in the UK, constitutes a major point of reference and a social risk for many Polish migrants. Drawing on two qualitative research projects with a data set of 71 semi-structured interviews, this paper aims at analysing post-Brexit strategies of Polish migrants in Britain, taking into account their anchoring and embedding, their attitudes towards mobility, and the specificity of perceived risks. The main objective is to offer a data-driven and temporally agile typology of the orientations migrants adopt in the face of uncertainty. With four ideal types of bumblebees, honeybees, butterflies and cocoons, we capture both the diversification of people’s… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A diagnosis of contemporary forms of racism, race and nationalism: a conversation with Professor Paul Gilroy

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Described as one of the most intellectually formidable cultural and social theorists of our time, Paul Gilroy has reshaped debates on racism, nationalism and multiculturalism. In April 2018, Prof. Paul Gilroy returned to Norway for the first time in over a decade for a series of public and academic events in Oslo and Bergen. Gilroy appeared at events held at the Houses of Literature in Oslo and Bergen, and the Universities of Oslo and Bergen, which took place between the 17th and 20th of April 2018 and marked the 25th anniversary of the publication of Gilroy’s seminal work for which he is arguably best known, his 1993 classic The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness [Harvard University Press].… Continue Reading