tandfonline.com – Teaching Introductory Statistical Classes in Medical Schools Using RStudio and R Statistical Language: Evaluating Technology Acceptance and Change in Attitude Toward Statistics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Biostatistics is a critical skill to physicians in an evidence-based medicine era, but teaching basic statistical concepts is challenging. Students often experience anxiety caused by the complexity of statistics and might express negative attitudes toward the subject. We aimed to analyze the effect of an introductory biostatistics course using RStudio on attitude toward statistics and assess its acceptance among medical students. Forty-three 1st-year medical students were included. Pre- and post-course attitudes toward statistics were assessed using the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS-28) scale and technology acceptance was assessed by a Technology Acceptance Model scale at the end of the course. There was a statistically discernible (significant) gain in the scores of three of the four SATS dimensions:… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teaching Style and Attitudes: A Comparison of Two Collegiate Introductory Statistics Classes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Many students who enroll in introductory statistics courses do not have positive attitudes about the subject. A 2012 wide-ranging study by Schau and Emmioglu showed that student attitudes do not tend to improve after completing an introductory statistics course. However, there is a need for more studies about attitudes in introductory statistics courses that utilize reform teaching methods. In this article, we present findings about student attitudes toward statistics in both a teacher-centered lecture-based class and a student-centered active learning class, taught by the same instructor. The overall results of this study were consistent with those reported in the study by Schau and Emmioğlu. Although on an overall level, it seemed that attitudes did not change for both… Continue Reading