Eric.ed.gov – Estimating Impacts on Students, Teachers, and Schools of Programs Targeted for Preschool through Transition to College–Lessons for Methodologists from the Designs of 117 Evaluations Being Conducted in the Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) Grant Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: When presenting results from rigorous, field-based evaluations of educational interventions, researchers often reveal methodological barriers they face in designing studies to assessing program effectiveness. The evaluations funded by the Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) present a timely opportunity for identifying relevant and pressing issues arising in current education evaluations. With over $1 billion dollars invested in the implementation and evaluation of 117 education interventions, the i3 program represents a major investment by the U.S. Department of Education in educational interventions that will both serve students, teachers and schools, and generate evidence about intervention effectiveness. The breadth and number of i3 evaluations provides a unique opportunity to learn about the features of, and challenges encountered in, the design and implementation of the evaluations. Researchers from the National Evaluation… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Uses of Mathematics Textbooks for Grade (4-8) as per Basic Concepts and Questions Levels in TIMSS Test: A Study Conducted in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study tried to explore the degree of representation of math textbooks for grades (4-8) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia concerning the key concepts, shape, and levels of questions used in the TIMSS test. The study population of this study includes both students and teachers from fourth grade to eighth grade. The goal of this study was associated with six key concepts including numbers and their operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability, and a pro-rata. The researcher analyzed the questions and exercises used in the math textbooks to identify their effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, the researcher also calculated the percentages, the levels, and the shape for each key concept. The results of the study were organized in frequency tables. In the light of those… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Codification of correctness: normative sources for Joseph Priestley’s grammar11 The research for this paper was conducted in the context of the project ‘The Codifiers and the English Language: Tracing the Norms of Standard English’ at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, directed by Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, and funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).View all notes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In this paper, I will discuss possible sources for Priestley’s norm of correctness in his grammar book, The Rudiments of English Grammar, from a socio-historical perspective. I will show that Priestley’s norms of correctness were informed by the usage of the well-educated middle class, the language of science, Robert Lowth’s grammar and the discourse community of eighteenth-century grammarians, and a contemporary canon of good and bad usage. Link til kilde