tandfonline.com – Rethinking Learning Trajectories in Light of Student Linguistic Diversity

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Learning trajectory (LT) research in mathematics education has shaped both instructional materials and assessments. But, the body of LT research has also been critiqued for not adequately considering equity and addressing student diversity. This study begins to fill this gap by characterizing the reasoning of 23 multilingual students who participated in task-based interviews about proportional relationships and linear functions. Using tasks aligned with an established LT, the analysis focuses on the interaction of task language demand and student language background. Results show how task linguistic complexity can interfere with accurately interpreting the mathematical reasoning of emergent bilingual students. We discuss the need to (a) incorporate a focus on linguistic diversity when planning instruction and (b) broaden the students… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Using the Service-Learning approach to bridge the gap between theory and practice in teacher education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Service-Learning stands out as a teaching approach that connects theory and practice by giving students the opportunity both to participate in a service that meets community needs and to reflect on the experience in class in order to gain a deeper understanding of the course content and an enhanced sense of civic engagement. The advantages of Service-Learning for inclusive education have recently been underpinned by studies, in which pre-service teachers are exposed to diverse population groups in schools or communities. Our study explores how Service-Learning is applied in teacher education in Austria. It is based on a series of semi-structured interviews with 13 teacher educators who apply this form of teaching in cooperative projects with schools. Our findings… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Who’s modeling STEM for kids? A character analysis of children’s STEM-focused television in the U.S.

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Character portrayals are important to consider when investigating the effects of educational television on young viewers. When it comes to academic interests and career aspirations, children take cues from the media representations around them. This study is a content analysis of STEM-focused children’s television shows, with attention to gender and race representation amongst the characters in those programs. Across 90 episodes of programs that claim to teach STEM to young children, 1,086 unique speaking characters were coded on demographics, physical attributes, centrality to the plot, and modeling of STEM behaviors and occupations. Following traditional industry trends, female and minority characters were underrepresented in these programs compared to population statistics. However, when it came to the centrality of their… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The emerging legal profession in Qatar: diversity realities and challenges

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In the West, women have practiced law and advocated greater gender diversity in the legal profession for more than a century. In Qatar, concepts such as “equality of opportunity” and “diversity or inclusion in the profession” are virtually unexplored by research and only beginning to appear in casual conversations. While the number of women studying law in Qatar has significantly increased, the number of women practicing law as prosecutors, judges and lawyers has not directly correlated. This article will use Qatar as a case study to analyze how culture and modern development affect the feminization of Qatar’s bar and bench. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Adapting Classwide Instruction for Student Diversity in Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports the findings of a study that assessed the effect of two classwide instructional grouping adaptation strategies on the math performance of English-language Latino learners in an urban public school in the Southwestern United States. An ABAB within-case design was implemented over a 12-week period to contrast the effectiveness of these adaptation strategies on the math performance of 19 low-, average-, and high-achieving first grade Latino students (ages 6-8). All instruction was conducted in Spanish, with the exception of 35 minutes in which students received English-as-a-Second-Language instruction. In Phase A, students worked independently in small heterogeneous groups of 4-5 high-, average-, and low-achieving students. In Phase B, peer tutoring was used following a teacher-led instruction. Dyads included students with different performance levels; students in each… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Investigating the diversity of scientific methods in high-stakes chemistry examinations in England

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The traditional description of “the scientific method” as a stepwise, linear process of hypothesis testing through experimentation is a myth. Although the teaching and learning of the scientific method have been a curriculum and assessment goal, the notion of the ‘scientific method’ itself has been identified as being problematic. Many researchers have recognised there is no single scientific method. However, there does not seem to be any useful guidelines for how best to deal with the nature of scientific methods in school science, including in high-stakes summative assessment. The article presents the use of a framework to illustrate the diversity of scientific methods that goes beyond the traditional limitations of a scientific method, to provide a more comprehensive… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Promoting Gender Diversity in the Faculty: What Higher Education Unions Can Do

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In spring 2011, public higher education is under attack as never before. Public institutions have been targeted for drastic cuts in the past, but now the attacks are aimed at the very core of the educational enterprise and at the basic rights of college faculty and staff. This, in turn, has the potential of placing at risk the practices and policies that have arisen on campuses around the country to diversify the racial, ethnic and gender composition of the faculty corps. Diversity-related efforts do cost money, of course, and periodic budget crises can create situations in which institutions may sacrifice faculty diversity efforts on the altar of financial exigency. By undertaking a series of publications on diversity issues, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is saying that… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Directions for research on gender imbalance in the IT profession

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT There is a significant shortage of expert Information Technology (IT) personnel in Europe and elsewhere and a marked under-representation of women in the field. This paper identifies important gaps in research on gender imbalance in the IT profession and motivates future Information Systems research to address each of them. First among these gaps is the lack of research on the far-reaching consequences of gender imbalance in the IT profession. Second, despite a considerable body of research, there is the lack of coherent explanation for this imbalance. Third, although many intervention programmes have been implemented in this area, gender diversity in practice has not improved significantly. This research field also requires theorisation based on the cumulative research efforts in… Continue Reading