tandfonline.com – Fostering equity in a multicultural and multilingual classroom through cooperative learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper presents a programme designed to deepen knowledge regarding diversity and to sustain equality and equity in participation during class activities in high sociolinguistic diversity classrooms. We investigated a four-stage programme integrating all students’ heritage languages in cooperative school activities in one 4th grade class in the French-speaking canton of Geneva in Switzerland. Activities that the teacher engaged in included: a) activities devoted to openness to others, b) activities devoted to linguistic diversity, c) activities devoted to cultural diversity, d) cooperative activities, relying on heritage languages and personal family stories. The three first stages aimed to help students feel accepted and comfortable when participating in multilingual cooperative activities. Feedback from the teacher, students and parents indicated that… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Inquiry as an entry point to equity in the classroom

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Although many policy documents include equity as part of mathematics education standards and principles, researchers continue to explore means by which equity might be supported in classrooms and at the institutional level. Teaching practices that include opportunities for students to engage in active learning have been proposed to address equity. In this paper, through aligning some characteristics of inquiry put forth by Cook, Murphy and Fukawa-Connelly with Gutiérrez’s dimensions of equity, we theoretically explore the ways in which active learning teaching practices that focus on inquiry could support equity in the classroom. Link til kilde