Eric.ed.gov – Ability Grouping Effects on Lower Level Math Students’ Self-Concept and Achievement.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The differences in effects of heterogeneous and homogeneous regrouping for math on academic ability and self-concept in math were investigated. Five sixth-grade students from both grouping placements were interviewed to determine their self-concept of their math abilities. All students labeled as average or below from both placements were given an assessment of basic grade-level math skills. The classes containing these students were observed, and each placement had the same teacher providing all math instruction. The results indicated that the homogeneous students liked their math classes better and were more likely to compare themselves above their classmates in ability than the heterogeneous students. However, there were almost no differences between overall self-concept in math between the placements, and the scores on the assessment substantially favored the heterogeneous placement.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Learners’ attitudes to mixed-attainment grouping: examining the views of students of high, middle and low attainment

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract There is a substantial international literature around the impact of different types of grouping by attainment on the academic and personal outcomes of students. This literature, however, is sparse in student voices, especially in relation to mixed-attainment practices. Research has indicated that students of different attainment levels might have different experiences and views of grouping structures. This paper represents a significant contribution to this literature. Drawing on the data collected as part of a large study on student grouping and teaching in England, we analyse the attitudes of students of different attainment levels to mixed-attainment practice, focusing on their explanations for their preferences or aversion to mixed-attainment classes. The data-set is drawn from group discussions and individual interviews… Continue Reading