Eric.ed.gov – Her Math, Their Math: An In-Service Teacher’s Growing Understanding of Mathematics and Technology and Her Secondary Students’ Algebra Experience.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study investigates an experienced secondary school mathematics teacher’s understanding of mathematics (“her” math) and decisions she makes about her students’ classroom experiences (“their” math). This report focuses on the competing roles of the teacher’s growing understanding of novel technology-rich mathematics and her decisions about activities and expectations in an algebra course in light of her beliefs about learning and teaching. Data document developments in her mathematical understanding and classroom practice during her first 13 months of teaching Computer-Intensive Algebra as a participant in the Empowering Secondary Mathematics Teachers in Computer-Intensive Environments project (CIME). (Author) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – “Growing Up WILD”: Teaching Environmental Education in Early Childhood

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A growing body of research, both nationally and internationally, indicates that children in the early childhood years (birth to age 8) learn primarily through their senses and from direct experience. They develop an understanding about the world through play, exploration, and creative activities as well as by watching and imitating adults and other children. “Growing Up WILD” (2010) is a large format book that promotes teacher efficacy with 27 developmentally appropriate activities, yet gives educators the flexibility to modify activities to meet the needs of children at different age levels and learning stages. The authors describe the contents of the resource as it presents a wide range of options for a variety of classroom strategies: small group, whole group, centers, pair and individual work, plus teachable moments… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Growing into Inquiry: Stories of High School Teachers Using Inquiry for Themselves and Their Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examines cases of teacher leaders in a professional development program that employed teacher inquiry to promote student inquiry. Program documents, observations, and interviews were examined to create three cases of high school science and math teachers learning to inquire in tandem. Guided by Cochran-Smith and Lytle’s (2009) “inquiry stance,” the study shows how commitment to student inquiry comes through learning gained through teacher inquiry. While conceptual understandings of teacher and student inquiry reinforced the learning of both, the parallel development of practical skills for both inquiry processes was not observed. Such conceptual growth was neither steady nor linear and characterized by some backward movement followed by significant shifts in thinking. Growth was grounded in increased experience with the process over time that deepened the teachers’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Addressing California’s Growing Teacher Shortage: 2017 Update

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In a January 2016 report on teacher shortages in California, “Addressing California’s Emerging Teacher Shortage: An Analysis of Sources and Solutions,” the Learning Policy Institute found that there were too few qualified California teachers to meet the growing demand of school districts across the state. A fall 2016 survey of more than 200 California districts revealed that 75% of districts were experiencing teacher shortages, and the vast majority said those shortages were getting worse. Most of those districts reported responding to shortage conditions by hiring teachers with substandard credentials or permits–that is, teachers who have not yet completed the subject matter and teacher preparation requirements for a full credential. In this update, the authors show that, consistent with school district survey data, teacher workforce trends have worsened… Continue Reading