Eric.ed.gov – Mapping Idaho’s Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Six years after passage of No Child Left Behind and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014, more data than ever before has been collected about the academic performance of American students and schools. Information in this brochure charts student demographics, achievement-to-date and trends for Idaho as a state and as compared to national statistics. Information on graduation rates, tutoring/choice programs and flexibility options is also included. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Connections between Teacher Perceptions of School Effectiveness and Student Outcomes in Idaho’s Low-Achieving Schools. Summary. REL 2014-012

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This summary highlights the findings of a study that examined the survey responses of teachers from 75 Idaho schools working on school improvement. Results of the study showed schools with higher teacher reports of the presence of the goals, processes, and supports essential for student success did not have higher rates of reading proficiency, math proficiency, or attendance. A few significant relationships were found in subsamples of schools. A significant positive relationship was also found between school attendance in elementary schools in 2012 and teacher ratings of five of nine other essential goals, supports, and processes. The findings suggest that Idaho educators and others using teacher perception surveys should proceed cautiously in making decisions based on perception surveys. They might also consider using data from other sources… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Connections between Teacher Perceptions of School Effectiveness and Student Outcomes in Idaho’s Low-Achieving Schools. REL 2014-012

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Policymakers and practitioners frequently use teacher surveys to inform decisions on school improvement efforts in low-achieving schools. There is little empirical evidence on how the results of these surveys relate to student outcomes. This study provides information on how perception data from a teacher survey in Idaho is correlated with three student outcomes: reading proficiency, math proficiency, and attendance. The Idaho State Department of Education uses the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES), an annual teacher survey developed and administered by the Center on Educational Effectiveness, to gather information on school qualities believed to be the goals, processes, and supports essential for school success. Used widely in the Northwest Region, the survey is similar to teacher perception surveys used nationally. This study covers the 75 low-achieving Idaho schools that… Continue Reading