tandfonline.com – Codification of correctness: normative sources for Joseph Priestley’s grammar11 The research for this paper was conducted in the context of the project ‘The Codifiers and the English Language: Tracing the Norms of Standard English’ at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, directed by Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, and funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).View all notes
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In this paper, I will discuss possible sources for Priestley’s norm of correctness in his grammar book, The Rudiments of English Grammar, from a socio-historical perspective. I will show that Priestley’s norms of correctness were informed by the usage of the well-educated middle class, the language of science, Robert Lowth’s grammar and the discourse community of eighteenth-century grammarians, and a contemporary canon of good and bad usage. Link til kilde