tandfonline.com – Familiar strangers – managing engagements in public-private partnerships in education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Familiar strangers – managing engagements in public-private partnerships in education Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Making the invisible visible: managing tensions around including Traveller culture and history in the curriculum at primary and post-primary levels

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract The formal recognition of Travellers as a distinct ethnic group by the Irish State in 2017 was arguably a significant step towards redressing the pernicious and endemic institutional racism and marginalisation that Travellers have historically experienced in Ireland. It was announced by the Irish Government in October 2018 that a review of the place of Travellers in existing school curricula would be undertaken, with a view to including Traveller history and culture at primary and post-primary levels. While there are benefits associated with curricular recognition, including its capacity to potentially disrupt the reiterative reproduction of institutional racism at a formal curricular level, a significant body of literature highlights the shortcomings associated with additive curricular approaches. These include tokenism and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Tension in Teaching “Math for Teachers”: Managing Cognitive and Affective Goals

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents partial results of a completed study which investigated the experience of teaching mathematics content courses to preservice elementary teachers. Interviews with ten mathematics instructors who teach these courses revealed several major tensions, including one that arises as instructors strive to set priorities and balance their affective and cognitive goals for their students. An analysis of three of the instructors’ experiences of this particular tension will provide insight into the factors that contribute to it and how it is managed. [For the complete proceedings, see ED584829.] Link til kilde