Eric.ed.gov – NCTM Principles and Standards for Mathematically Talented Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The “Principles and Standards for School Mathematics” published in 2000 by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) created a vision of mathematical concepts and processes to establish core educational guidelines for instruction from grades K to 12. The overall plan does emphasize higher level thinking, problem solving, and communication skills that were traditionally advocated for gifted learners but the implementation of this vision continues to fall short when serving mathematical talent. With the advent of No Child Left Behind (NCLB, 2001), less able math students are provided with support and alternative instruction to meet the proposed standards. Little has been done to identify and serve highly capable students until the high school level. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an understanding of talented… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Mathematically Gifted Students in Israel: The State of The Art

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article summarizing the situation of teaching mathematics to the gifted elementary- and high school student in Israel. It surveys the various frames of learning: formal learning in the regular and in the gifted class, and the learning of math in the enrichment programs for the gifted — both in the Hebrew an in the Arab sectors. The second part of this chapter summarizes all the existing non-formal programs — acceleration as well as enrichment — for the mathematically gifted child and adolescent. It includes descriptions of these programs, their target audience, the subject learnt in them and the level of studying, the prerequisites — if any, and the contribution to the students in terms of contents as well as certificates or diplomas. The third part of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Educators’ Perceptions of Mathematically Gifted Students and a Socially Supportive Learning Environment–A Case Study of a Finnish Upper Secondary School

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article explores five educators’ conceptions of the characteristics of mathematically gifted students and a social learning environment that supports their development in a school for mathematically gifted adolescents in Finland. We conducted this qualitative study through semi-structured interviews and participant observations in a Finnish upper secondary school with a special mathematics program. The research shows that gifted students and their educators form a tight community, the social learning environment of which supports shared motivation, healthy perfectionism, and practicing social skills. The results deepen the understanding of gifted education in the Finnish context and the significance of educators’ shared understanding of social activities as a basis for successful gifted education. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Risks of aiming to kill two birds with one stone: the affect of mathematically gifted and talented students in the dual realities of special schooling

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Mathematically gifted and talented students have unique cognitive and emotional needs. Thus, their schooling should consider their social and emotional development. This study investigated student affect in a science high school in Korea to determine how the specialized school’s curriculum and instruction influence student affect. Data were collected through interviews and a survey. Our findings show that gifted and talented students generally demonstrate a positive affect toward mathematics, but high anxiety and low self-concept play a key role in shaping students’ negative attitudes toward mathematics. In this paper, we argue that two different goals – gifted education and college preparation – could cause such negative student affect. The dual educational goal manifests itself in fast-paced instruction and memorized… Continue Reading