Eric.ed.gov – Performance and Preparation: Alignment between Student Achievement, Teacher Ratings, and Parent Perceptions in Urban Middle-Grades Mathematics Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The middle grades are a critical transition period in students’ mathematics trajectories, as students move from arithmetic to the more complex and abstract concepts of algebra. Teachers’ and parents’ judgments of students’ math abilities in these years are important to instructional planning and decision making for teachers, and can advise parents and students on future course placement. This study specifically examined teacher and parent judgments of students’ performance and preparedness for the next grade level in 5th and 6th grades mathematics. Results demonstrate that teacher and parent perceptions of students’ abilities are not calibrated to national norms, but to local contexts. Our findings are similar to other work suggesting that high poverty school contexts may provide teachers and parents a false comparative context for judging how well… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Impact of Teacher Observations with Coordinated Professional Development on Student Performance: A 27-State Program Evaluation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The impact of teacher observations in alignment with professional development (PD) on teacher efficacy was quantified for 292 schools in 110 districts within 27 U.S. States. Teacher observations conducted by school leaders or designated internal coaches were coordinated with PD offerings aligned with intended teacher improvements. The PD involved throughout was an online, on-demand system teachers accessed as convenient with a range of PD assistance regarding teaching techniques and participative teacher/user interactive communities for collaboratively posting and downloading PD-related materials. Results indicate that systemic teacher observations, coupled with aligned PD, resulted in significantly improved student achievement in reading and math on standardized assessments. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Some Factors That Affecting the Performance of Mathematics Teachers in Junior High School in Medan

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Some Factor’s That Affecting The Mathematic Teacher Performance For Junior High School In Medan. This research will examine the effect of direct and indirect of the Organizational Knowledge towards the achievement motivation, decision making, organizational commitment, the performance of mathematics teacher. The research method is a method of surveying the number of respondents as many as 102 teachers of mathematics taken by stratified proportional random sampling. The research found there is a direct influence of organizational knowledge on achievement motivation, decision making, organizational commitment and the performance of math teacher respectively 16.3%, 13.1%, 12.2% and 4.54%. Achievement motivation, decision making, and organizational commitment have directly effects on the performance of mathematics teacher. The magnitude of changes in performance that can directly determine organizational knowledge, achievement motivation, decision-making… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Do teachers differ in the level of expectations or in the extent to which they differentiate in expectations? Relations between teacher-level expectations, teacher background and beliefs, and subsequent student performance

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Previous studies have indicated that, although some teachers have substantial expectation effects on student outcomes, the effects for most teachers are only small. Furthermore, teacher expectations are associated with key pedagogical differences related to teacher beliefs about providing instruction and support for learning. The aim of this study was to explore (a) teacher-level differences in the level and differentiation of expectations, (b) associations between teacher differences in expectations and teacher background and beliefs, and (c) relationships with subsequent student performance. Secondary analyses were performed on data for 42 teachers and their students in New Zealand. The results were supportive of the notion that some teachers were differentiating more between students in their expectations than others. Teachers who differentiated… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategic Staffing? How Performance Pressures Affect the Distribution of Teachers within Schools and Resulting Student Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: School performance pressures apply disproportionately to tested grades and subjects. Using longitudinal administrative data–including achievement data from untested grades–and teacher survey data from a large urban district, we examine schools’ responses to those pressures in assigning teachers to high-stakes and low-stakes classrooms. We find that teachers with more positive performance measures in both tested and untested classrooms are more likely to be placed in a tested classroom in the following year. Performance measures even more strongly predict a high-stakes teaching assignment in schools with low state accountability grades and where principals exercise more assignment influence. In elementary schools, we show that such “strategic” teacher assignment disadvantages early grades, concentrating less effective teachers in K-2 classrooms. Reassignment of ineffective upper-grades teachers to early grades systematically results in lower… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A methodology for the performance evaluation of low-cost accelerometer and magnetometer sensors in geomatics applications

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: A methodology for the performance evaluation of low-cost accelerometer and magnetometer sensors in geomatics applications Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Performance management practices in lean manufacturing organizations: a systematic review of research evidence

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This paper provides the first systematic look into the existing research on performance management (PM) practices employed in lean manufacturing organisations (LMOs). It adopts a systematic review method to examine the evidence generated in the period 2004 – 2015 and uses a comprehensive PM framework to synthesise the findings. The results suggest that PM practices that have the most prominent role in LMOs are those that, firstly, are located closest to front-line actions and, secondly, explicitly address operational realities. This calls into question the primacy of accounting-driven controls in LMOs, suggesting that operational controls may be more effective than top-down accounting-based PM practices. The results also confirm the bias towards operational-level issues but suggest that LMOs may integrate… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Observational Study on Special Education Services in the Houston Independent School District and Performance Outcomes for Students with Disabilities, 2018-2019. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Longitudinal trends revealed an increase in the prevalence of HISD students with disabilities compared to all students in the district from the 2017-2018 to the 2018-2019 academic year (7.2% to 7.5%). Students with disabilities were more likely to be male and Hispanic with a learning disability. An over-representation of African American students was evident over the past four years compared to other ethnic groups. The Office of Special Education Services (OSES) staff offered more than 1,200 professional development opportunities to school administrators, teachers, parents, and community stakeholders in targeted areas, including reading, math, writing, and behavior. There was a substantial increase in the percentage of initial evaluations (72.6%) and reevaluations (13.7%) for special education services, while the percentage of psychological evaluations more than tripled, and speech evaluations… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – National testing data in Norwegian classrooms: a tool to improve pupil performance?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper considers teachers’ use of data from national school tests. These national tests are part of the Norwegian top-down accountability school system. According to official regulations, teachers have to use the test results to improve learning outcomes even if the test system is not able to deliver necessary data. However, previous research has shown that teachers apply teaching-to-test strategies. The focus of this paper is twofold. First, we ask, ‘How do teachers perceive and interpret the data from national tests?’ Second, ‘How do teachers view their actions related to the data from national tests?’ We base our research on data from semi-structured 5th-grade-teacher interviews. The transcribed text is subject to qualitative content analysis. We find that teachers… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The effects of strategy training and an extrinsic incentive on fourth- and fifth-grade students’ performance, confidence, and calibration accuracy

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract This study investigated the influence of strategy training instruction and an extrinsic incentive on American fourth- and fifth-grade students’ (N = 35) performance, confidence in performance, and calibration accuracy. Using an experimental design, children were randomized to either an experimental group (strategy training and an extrinsic incentive) or a comparison group in an after-school Brain Train Club. Data on performance and confidence ratings were collected pretest and again at posttest. Accuracy was calculated by comparing confidence in performance to actual… Continue Reading