tandfonline.com – What to do with ‘white working-class’ underachievement? Framing ‘white working-class’ underachievement in post-Brexit Referendum England

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Scrutinising disproportionate media and political attention provided to the ills of the ‘white working-class’, this article examines the framing of their apparent underachievement in education policy and discourse in early post-Brexit vote England. In a political context dominated by anti-immigration and nationalist rhetoric, this article aims to investigate the framing of such underachievement across class, gender and ethnic differentials. To that end, a Critical Frame Analysis was conducted of four policy documents focusing on differences in diagnosis of, and solutions for, ‘white working-class’ underachievement, and of responses to these documents in mainstream newspapers. We contend that the political emphasis on redistributive social justice and identity politics can introduce a logic that can lead to remedies consistent with the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Bees & butterflies: Polish migrants’ social anchoring, mobility and risks post-Brexit

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The result of the Brexit referendum and subsequent uncertainty regarding its actual consequences, particularly for the EU citizens living in the UK, constitutes a major point of reference and a social risk for many Polish migrants. Drawing on two qualitative research projects with a data set of 71 semi-structured interviews, this paper aims at analysing post-Brexit strategies of Polish migrants in Britain, taking into account their anchoring and embedding, their attitudes towards mobility, and the specificity of perceived risks. The main objective is to offer a data-driven and temporally agile typology of the orientations migrants adopt in the face of uncertainty. With four ideal types of bumblebees, honeybees, butterflies and cocoons, we capture both the diversification of people’s… Continue Reading