tandfonline.com – A technical workforce for regional industrial development? Origin and dispersion of graduates from the technical secondary schools in Malmö and Borås 1855–1930

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article connects to the discussion on skills and knowledge during the early industrialisation. It focuses on how two out of four technical secondary schools in Sweden (Malmö and Borås) lived up to their aims communicated by politicians and other stakeholders: to provide emerging industries and crafts in their regions with technicians and to prepare for studies at the Technological Institute. Initially, a majority of students came from the school regions, but the share of long-distance students increased over time. A majority served in industry and craft, and the study reflects chemistry’s and electricity’s breakthrough with increasing shares of graduates employed over time. Several graduates continued to further studies; not only at the Technological Institute but also elsewhere… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Sports Shorts. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This middle school mathematics unit is organized around themes relating to sports activities in the Boston (Massachusetts) region and has a content focus on decimals and percents. The activities follow a story line which features a sports reporter (the student) and his/her assignments and adventures. Each activity begins with a headline, defines a task, and includes a follow-up question. The unit is organized by categories dealing with: (1) Sullivan Stadium (and football); (2) Fenway Park (and baseball); (3) Boston Garden (and basketball and hockey); (4) the Boston Marathon; and (5) Miscellaneous Sports. The unit could also be arranged by season, content development sequence, or activity. The materials include student worksheets, fact sheets, editor’s notes, transparency masters and game cards. The math themes that extend throughout the activities… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Quincy Market. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this middle school mathematics unit two imaginary characters, Horatio and Portia, decide to make their fortune in Quincy Market (Boston, Massachusetts) running a Bull Market cart. In order to solve the problems that they encounter, they need to learn ratio and proportion, map reading, estimation, area and perimeter, population sampling, problem solving, and the collecting and processing of data. Teacher notes at the beginning of each section indicate the math objectives, materials, and whether the activity is a reinforcement or an extension of a math skill. The unit is divided into seven modules that can be used either independently or sequentially. These are: (1) an introduction to Quincy Market; (2) the use of the ruler; (3) map exploration; (4) ratio and proportion; (5) scale drawing; (6)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Space Mission. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This unit is intended to teach estimation skills in such a way as to be relevant and useful to students as they apply them in various problem-solving activities. The teaching activities feature the earth, exploration into space, and the other worlds in the solar system. The teacher’s guide contains four modules. Module I suggests the use of several multi-media experiences to set the stage for the activities that follow. Module II, “The Solar System,” incorporates teaching activities dealing with rounding numbers, estimation of sums, differences, products and quotients, graphing, and the application of these skills in problem solving. Module III, “The Space Shuttle,” addresses the use of the space shuttle and stresses the mathematical concepts of ratio and proportion. Module IV,”The Space Colony,” uses geometric concepts as… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Disproportionate agglomeration and scaling in regional socioeconomic analyses: Alabama counties as a case study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The importance of population-based scaling of the socioeconomic characteristics of cities has been regularly demonstrated over the past decade. Disproportionate population-based agglomeration of socioeconomic properties relative to one another are, therefore, common characteristics of cities. In other words, socioeconomic characteristic increase or decrease non-linearly and disproportionately as the population of cities increase or decrease. Whether this is also the case in regions with urban and rural populations has not yet been examined. This contribution uses small Alabama counties (fewer than 120,000 residents) in a case study to examine the orderliness of eleven different demographic, socioeconomic and entrepreneurial characteristics: (i) the numbers of residents, enterprises, employees, highly educated people, poor people and households, and, (ii) the magnitudes of enterprise… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Institute for Math/Science/Technology

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes some of the key immediate and long-term outcomes achieved by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)-Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Summer Institute for Math/Science/Technology for student and teacher participants. This two-week summer program provides high school students and teachers from the Appalachian region the opportunity to work with mentor scientists from ORNL on inquiry-based, applied projects in science, math, and computer technology. The goals of the Summer Institute, in operation since 1990, are to (1) encourage more high school students to continue their studies beyond high school, (2) encourage more students to pursue careers in the projected shortage areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and (3) raise the level of math, science, and technology instruction in high schools throughout the region to facilitate… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – What influences universities’ regional engagement? A multi-stakeholder perspective applying a Q-methodological approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper argues that rather than being a process that can be objectively planned or predicted, regional engagement on the part of universities is a learning activity featuring characteristics of a subjective deliberation process. This subjective deliberation process is simultaneously influenced by factors operating at the intra-organizational and regional level, as well as the field in which the university is located. A model that takes this multilevel environment into account is applied to a single case study region: Kaiserslautern (Germany). A Q-methodological approach is employed to reveal and analyze the aforementioned subjective perspectives regarding drivers of universities’ regional engagement. Two key viewpoints emerge from this analysis: one perspective reflects a highly institutionalized reading of regional engagement, and can… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Sharing Educational Success: All Kids Can Be Winners. Report on the December 1989 Regional Conference Sponsored by the Southeastern Educational Improvement Laboratory.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Summaries of talks from this 3-day conference emphasize the potential of all students from any background to succeed in their education. One keynote speaker urges restructuring of educators’ beliefs that many children cannot achieve at the level of a high school graduate. Speakers describe successful programs to encourage female school administrators, recruit minority teachers, and encourage local students to return as teachers to their hometown schools. Two administrators discuss site-based school management and participatory decision making. Other speakers describe public relations programs that foster two-way communications between citizens and schools, one including a computerized telephone message system. Cooperative learning systems that reward all students for their peers’ success spread learning throughout a classroom. Other programs described include: (1) training physically handicapped students for physical fitness; (2) using… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Projections of California Teacher Retirements: A County and Regional Perspective. REL 2017-181

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report projects California teacher retirements at the state and county levels for 2014/15-2023/24, updating a previously published report that projected California teacher retirements for 2006/07-2015/16. The current study finds that 25 percent of California teachers who were teaching in 2013/14 are projected to retire over 2014/15-2023/24. The proportion projected to retire varies greatly across counties, from 19 percent in Sutter County to 61 percent in Sierra County. This suggests that counties will confront very different staffing situations over the 10-year period because of projected retirements. Rural counties that are projected to have higher retirement rates tend to lie along the state’s northern coast and near the state’s northern and eastern borders; lower retirement rates are projected in and around metropolitan areas (such as San Francisco, Sacramento, Orange County/Los… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Regional Differences in Educational Achievement among Swedish Grade 9 Students

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT The current article examined educational achievement at lower-secondary level in Sweden (Grade 9), using grades and national test results (NTR) as the dependent variables. Linear regressions and bivariate correlations indicated that the proportion of highly-educated individuals in each municipality was positively associated with grades and NTR and that the proportion of welfare recipients and non-natives, as well as rural location, had negative associations. In relation to two case studies with fewer observations, teacher certification rates were more strongly… Continue Reading