Eric.ed.gov – Sharing the Vision: Curriculum Articulation in Math and Science K-U in an Urban School District.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents a site and project description and the conceptual framework of the Curriculum Articulation Project (CAP) and its relation to current math and science education reform initiatives. CAP is based on the notion that the teacher is the best individual to ascertain the learning needs of the urban, and often economically disadvantaged, youth. The project addresses the concerns of reform proposals in math and science by striving to articulate the current curriculum, by ranking the skills and knowledge necessary to provide science and math literacy to urban youngsters, and by integrating math and science in units that address the unique needs of city youth. An appendix includes a unit from the program entitled “The Clean Water Problem,” which is a CAP project designed for grades… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Testing the Test: A Study of PARCC Field Trials in Two School Districts. Policy Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The potential use of computer-based assessments has raised concerns from educators, policymakers, and parents about information technology infrastructure in school districts and the preparation of staff and students to use new technologies for assessment purposes, and the potential impact of testing activities on core school functions, particularly teaching and learning. This case study documents lessons learned in the district- or school-wide administration of computer-based student assessments in the Burlington and Revere School Districts during the spring 2014 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) field test. The case study focused on three research questions: (1) What was the preparation process for district- and school-wide implementation of an online student assessment, including decision making on scheduling, staffing, professional development, technology and hardware, and test materials… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Stability and Change in Early Social Skills Development in Relation to Early School Performance: A Longitudinal Study of A Swedish Cohort

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Research Findings: This study aimed to investigate the developmental path of social skills in early childhood, the associated predictors, and its impact on later school performance. This prospective longitudinal study included 2,121 children, ages 3–5 at baseline, from the general population in a mid-sized Swedish municipality. Results show both stability and change in social skills. Stable low social skills increased the risk for poor school performance, while stable high social skills increased the chance for good school performance in primary school. With some notable gender differences, both individual and family factors were significant predictors of stable low and stable high paths of social skills during early childhood. Practice or Policy: Whether the goal is to improve children’s social… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math “Hotline” and Other Activities: Assessment of Project Intervention at Dorr St. School. Teacher Corps Program ’79. The University of Toledo/Springfield Local Schools.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: An intervention project by Teacher Corps interns in an elementary school was designed to improve student performance in mathematics. Activities carried out by the interns included: (1) construction of a school facade replica reflecting student achievement of identified math curriculum objectives, kindergarten through sixth grade; (2) preparation and presentation of a mathematics unit and study involving use of calculators by fifth-grade students and provision of special mathematics activities for accelerated sixth-grade students; (3) operation of a “Math Hotline” one evening per week to assist students and parents with homework; (4) preparation of mathematics activities and materials for interested students during lunch periods; and (5) planning and conducting a week of special events designed to enhance school spirit, in general, and student and staff motivation in math, in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Secondary school students’ experiences of presence in daily classroom practice

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper presents findings from a qualitative study among 50 secondary school students from 10 schools in the Netherlands, aiming to understand how they experience ‘presence’ – being fully (with one’s entire being) engaged in the here-and-now – in class. Although presence was a non-regular experience, students experienced it as personally relevant for a broadened worldview and becoming more confident and autonomous in their thinking and acting. Using a phenomenological approach, the authors found three general themes, as well as many variations and nuances within them, in students’ experiences of presence, related to the subject matter, interaction and students’ self. The similarities found in the situational contexts in which presence occurred – meaningfulness, student participation, responsivity and otherness… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Self-Report and Academic Factors in Relation to High School Students’ Success in an Innovative Biotechnology Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Biotechnology constitutes one of the most challenging, cutting-edge, and rapidly growing fields in science today. Both the practical implications and the hands-on nature of this “modern science” make the topic of biotechnology an attractive addition to the high school science curriculum. The current study is the first of its kind to explore how student characteristics and biotechnology course outcomes relate to one another. Results indicated that students’ general attitudes about science and their overall math skills predicted success across a number of measures, including both self-reported skill ratings as well as the more traditional measures of course grade and exam score. The results also demonstrated the association between skill, as measured through self-reported proficiency ratings, and achievement on an articulation exam. It documented the relation between skills… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Study of School Size among Alabama’s Public High Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the size of Alabama’s public high schools, selected school quality and financial indicators, and their students’ performance on standardized exams. When the socioeconomic level of the student bodies is held constant, the size of high schools in Alabama has relatively little relationship with 11th grade student (both regular and special education) performance on the reading and math portions of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE). High schools’ average daily attendance rates and pupil-to-computer (and computer with Internet connections) ratios do not vary in accordance with school size. Higher percentages of highly qualified teachers are found in Alabama’s largest high schools. There was very little difference in the percentage of teachers with a master’s degree or… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – MATHCOUNTS School Handbook: Math Is Not a Spectator Sport, ’98-’99.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: MATHCOUNTS is a national coaching and competition program designed to stimulate 7th- and 8th-grade students’ interest and achievement in mathematics. Teachers and volunteers coach students beginning each fall and continuing throughout the year. Participating schools can select individuals or four-person teams to compete in on-site competitions. Students compete in local meets in February, winners progress to state contests in March, and the top four scorers and top coach at the state competition represent their state at the national finals in May. Each year the MATHCOUNTS question writing committee selects and announces a special topic designed to stimulate student interest in mathematics. The special topic for the 1998-99 MATHCOUNTS program is Investigation and Exploration. This book provides detailed information about the competition, activities, and suggested workouts that can… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Multilevel Design Parameters to Plan Cluster-Randomized Intervention Studies on Student Achievement in Elementary and Secondary School

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract To plan cluster-randomized trials with sufficient statistical power to detect intervention effects on student achievement, researchers need multilevel design parameters, including measures of between-classroom and between-school differences and the amounts of variance explained by covariates at the student, classroom, and school level. Previous research has mostly been conducted in the United States, focused on two-level designs, and limited to core achievement domains (i.e., mathematics, science, reading). Using representative data of students attending grades 1–12 from three German longitudinal… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Elementary School Math, Competency-Based Approach. Adams State College.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The stated goals for the nine modules in this elementary math cluster, which is part of a series developed for the Adams State College Teacher Corps program, are that the intern will: (a) understand the scope and sequence of topics in elementary mathematics, (b) be familiar with a wide variety of activities and materials for use in a mathematics laboratory approach, (c) know various alternative approaches to teaching given mathematics topics, (d) utilize methods which convey understanding of concept rather than rote memorization, (e) realize that pupil attitudes toward a subject are as important as aptitude, (f) understand the relationship between mathematics and other elementary school curricula, and (g) know the relevance of prevalent learning theories to the specific area of mathematics. Each module contains a statement… Continue Reading