tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract The formal recognition of Travellers as a distinct ethnic group by the Irish State in 2017 was arguably a significant step towards redressing the pernicious and endemic institutional racism and marginalisation that Travellers have historically experienced in Ireland. It was announced by the Irish Government in October 2018 that a review of the place of Travellers in existing school curricula would be undertaken, with a view to including Traveller history and culture at primary and post-primary levels. While there are benefits associated with curricular recognition, including its capacity to potentially disrupt the reiterative reproduction of institutional racism at a formal curricular level, a significant body of literature highlights the shortcomings associated with additive curricular approaches. These include tokenism and… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of a team-teaching approach, applied in two learning spaces: a regular mathematics classroom; and a hairdressing salon at an upper secondary vocational education and training (VET) school. A mathematics teacher and a VET teacher jointly developed, planned and carried out the teaching activities in these two learning spaces. The overall goal was to prepare their 15 students for professional life. Observations made from the two lessons were analysed with the aim of identifying the extent to which the outcome of the team-teaching approach is dependent on the choice of the learning space. Drawing on Engeström’s activity theory and research literature on learning spaces, our results indicate that tools, norms, division of labour and… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The present study examined the extent to which mathematics teachers’ practices reflect visible learning (VL) at their schools and in their technology-enhanced classrooms. A number of determining factors influencing mathematics teachers to practice VL were also investigated. The Visible Learning Scale (VLS) instrument was conceptually developed based on Hattie’s eight mind frames of VL. The survey results from 119 participants indicated that Saudi mathematics teachers expressed a moderate to great level of evidence-based VL practice to enhance and promote students’ learning achievements and progress. The results also showed that the competence level of information and communication technology (ICT) integration is a determining and influential factor that enhances the practices teachers undertake to achieve a better effect on their… Continue Reading →
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