tandfonline.com – Exploring pupils’ and teachers’ perspectives on face-to-face promotive interaction in cooperative learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”:


This study reports on pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of face-to-face promotive interaction (FtFPI) in cooperative learning (CL) at two primary schools in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Using mixed methods, the study asks (1) ‘To what extent are the aspects of FtFPI most likely to influence pupils’ CL group work?’ (2) ‘What are the challenges in applying pupils’ FtFPI in small CL groups?’ The findings reveal mostly positive beliefs of FtFPI influence on small CL group work. However, when it comes to pupils’ and teachers’ experiences, several challenges have been identified: (1) organisation of FtFPI, (2) planning and balancing between working on a group task and supporting peers, (3) interpersonal behaviours, and (4) supportive communication. The findings suggest that more classroom research related to peers’ promotive interpersonal behaviour and supportive communication is needed.

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Troels Gannerup Christensen

Jeg er ansat som lektor hos Læreruddannelsen i Jelling, hvor jeg underviser i matematik, specialiseringsmodulet teknologiforståelse, praktik m.m. Jeg har tidligere været ansat som pædagogisk konsulent i matematik og tysk hos UCL ved Center for Undervisningsmidler (CFU) i Vejle og lærer i udskolingen (7.-9. klasse) på Lyshøjskolen i Kolding. Jeg er ejer af og driver bl.a. hjemmesiderne www.lærklokken.dk og www.iundervisning.dk, ggbkursus.dk og er tidligere fagredaktør på matematik på emu.dk. Jeg går ind for, at læring skal være let tilgængelig og i størst mulig omfang gratis at benytte.

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