tandfonline.com – Fifty ways to work with students’ diverse abilities? A video study on inclusive teaching practices in secondary mathematics classrooms

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Inclusive teaching practices can be characterized as recurrent ways how teachers work with their students’ diverse abilities, but how exactly are they enacted in subject matter classrooms? The paper proposes a conceptual framework to unpack inclusive practices according to the student ability to which they refer, in five typical jobs for teachers: (a) identifying the demands for the ability, (b) differentiating learning goals, (c) compensating for low abilities, (d) enhancing abilities, and (e) addressing the abilities in joint learning. The proposed job-ability framework for inclusive teaching practices is substantiated in a video study of 25 mathematics lessons on percentages with the same curriculum material. In total, rather than 50, 133 different inclusive teaching practices were identified in 3862… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – State Test Score Trends through 2007-08. Part 1: Is the Emphasis on “Proficiency” Shortchanging Higher- and Lower-Achieving Students?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report is the first in a series of reports describing results from the Center on Education Policy’s (CEP’s) third annual analysis of state testing data. The report provides an update on student performance at the proficient level of achievement, and for the first time, includes data about student performance at the advanced and basic levels. Also included are profiles for each state, which show trends in reading and math for basic, proficient, and advanced levels in elementary, middle, and high school. The study provides an in-depth look at the full range of student performance in order to better understand whether the No Child Left Behind Act’s (NCLB) focus on proficiency has caused teachers to shortchange students at either end of the academic spectrum. Reported findings include:… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Science teachers’ views of creating and teaching Big Ideas of science education: experiences from Chile

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background: There is a growing view that ‘Big Ideas of science education’ are useful for teaching science but there is not much knowledge of how teachers work with them. Purpose: This study explores the conceptualisation and practice of the use of Big Ideas of science education by primary and secondary teachers in Chile. Sample: A total of 63 science teachers (a purposive sample) from pre-school, primary and secondary education in Valparaíso Region in Chile participated in the study, with 38 of them answering all the questions in the research instrument and 25 answering some of them. Design and methods: The research instrument was a questionnaire with open-ended questions. Results: The use of Big Ideas was seen as the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Task Force on the Education of Maryland’s African-American Males

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: On June 9, 2003, the Task Force on the Education of Maryland’s African-American Males was convened by the Maryland K-16 Leadership Council (chaired by the University System of Maryland Chancellor William E. Kirwan, former Maryland Acting Secretary of Higher Education John A. Sabatini, Jr., and Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Nancy S. Grasmick) to evaluate Maryland’s progress in addressing persistent academic achievement problems imperiling African-American boys and men. This Task Force was co-chaired by Vice President Dunbar Brooks, Maryland State Board of Education and Treasurer Orlan M. Johnson, Board of Regents, University System of Maryland. The task force evaluated the successes and failures of Maryland’s public schools with regard to African-American males’ school readiness; reading, math, and science achievement; attendance, graduation, suspension, and expulsion rates; participation in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – ‘Schooling at Home’ in Ireland during COVID-19’: Parents’ and Students’ Perspectives on Overall Impact, Continuity of Interest, and Impact on Learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Educational disruption due to COVID-19 ushered in dramatically different learning realities in Ireland. Our research explored the experiences of children, young people and parents during the first period of ‘schooling at home’ (SAH) at the end of that academic year. An anonymous online survey, guided by social constructivist emphases, yielded responses from 2733 parents and 1189 students from primary and second-level schools. Substantial evidence emerged of parent-perceived and student-perceived negative psychosocial impacts of SAH on students. Further, our research clarified the exceptional stress experienced by parents in attempting to support SAH. A novel finding was student perceptions of having learned less during SAH, most likely due to significant declines in academic engagement. Recommendations for potential future periods of SAH… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Aide Training Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document contains curriculum outlines and preliminary evaluation of the 4-week summer preservice Teacher Aide Workship to train 40 paraprofessionals to serve as classroom assistants, clerical assistants, or specialists (e.g., aides to work with speech handicapped) in elementary and secondary schools. Course objectives and content outlines are presented for 15 different curriculum areas: The School System (a review of state and local school organization and of educational vocabulary); Basic Skills in Elementary Science, Social Studies, Math, and Reading; Basic Skills in Secondary Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies; Library Skills; Audio Visual Instruction; Aide Routine; Professional Skills; Professional Techniques; and Clerical Skills. Following each outline is a brief course evaluation written by the instructor. Also included are selected evaluative comments by trainees, personal data on trainees,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Fifth Year Teacher: From Mentored to Mentoring!

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined a fifth year teacher, who had participated in an original project assessing the effectiveness of metaphor within collaborative reflection to help prospective teachers define, explain, and challenge their beliefs about learning and teaching science. Results found that using metaphor as a tool for reflection helped the teacher articulate beliefs and put them into practice during student teaching. The study investigated, after 5 years, the extent to which he continued using an inquiry stance, metaphor remained part of his personal reflection, and other changes impacted his learning to teach. Results indicated that he had found a reflection tool in metaphor, and the inquiry stance to go with it, to help him systematically study classroom problems and possibilities. He continued collaborative reflection within learning communities of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Parents and whānau as experts in their worlds: valuing family pedagogies in early childhood

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Growing tension within the early childhood education sector of Aotearoa New Zealand around the roles teachers and families might play in preparing children for success in school suggests that notions of readiness are gaining traction. In this paper, we draw on data from three empirical studies to position families as experts in the lives of their children, valuing the linguistically and culturally diverse literacies children carry from their whānau, homes, and communities in bicultural and superdiverse Aotearoa New Zealand. Exemplars of family pedagogies framed through a funds of knowledge theoretical lens, provide counternarratives to deficit discourses regarding children’s language competencies, and challenge the encroaching reductionist notion of the ‘language gap’ and narrow views of early literacy promoted in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – No Child Left Behind: A Toolkit for Teachers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This booklet provides teachers with information about the No Child Left Behind Act and how it supports teachers. It includes an overview of the law’s “highly qualified” teacher provisions as well as information about other aspects of the law. The booklet offers: “Foreword” (letters from the President of the United States and the Secretary of Education); “What is No Child Left Behind?” (the law that ushered in a new era); “What Does ‘Highly Qualified’ Mean for Teachers?”; “Questions Frequently Asked by Teachers” (teacher quality, accountability, testing, reading, scientifically based research, and safe schools); “Resources and Support for Teachers” (supporting America’s teachers, how No Child Left Behind helps English language learners, reading first: a $6 billion investment to improve the reading skills of young children, how No Child… Continue Reading