Eric.ed.gov – Caring and Motivating Middle School Classrooms. Issue Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since 2009, the John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities (JGC) at Stanford University has worked in partnership with the Redwood City School District (RCSD) to gain a deeper understanding of classroom practices that promote motivation and achievement in middle school. Each spring, all middle school students in the district complete a survey about their motivational beliefs and their classroom experiences. The 2011 survey incorporated a new set of questions designed to capture students’ perceptions of classroom practices that convey care and support. This focus emerged from conversations with teachers and administrators and reflects RCSD’s commitment to building supportive classroom communities that emphasize effort and improvement. This research suggests that all middle school students in the district can benefit from practices that communicate care for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Predicting Transition to Postsecondary Programs of GED® Earners in a College Setting

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This applied dissertation was designed to identify the characteristics of students enrolled in a GED® preparation program who transitioned to postsecondary programs at the same institution after passing the GED® test. The characteristics studied included age; gender; ethnicity; prematriculation scores in reading, language, and math in the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE); and hours spent preparing for the GED® test in an open-entry, open-exit remedial laboratory environment. Through the use of binary logistic regressions to answer the research questions, a prediction model was constructed. The variables that are able to predict an increased likelihood of transition to postsecondary programs were being between the ages of 16 and 24 at the time of enrollment in the GED® program and having an ethnicity category of Asian, White/Caucasian, Hispanic,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Kindergarten Impacts of the Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts Program: A Statewide Evaluation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts (PA PKC) is a state-funded prekindergarten program for 3- and 4- year-old children to help them gain school readiness skills. The goal of PA PKC is to help reduce educational disparities by providing high quality prekindergarten for children who lack opportunities or reside in environments that place them at risk of school failure. This Impact Study examined the effects of participation in PA PKC on children’s early academic, social, and executive function skills in kindergarten. In particular, the study focused on whether there were differences in performance for children with 1 or 2 years of enrollment in PA PKC compared to children with no early childhood education (ECE) experience in the 2 years prior to kindergarten. Two primary research questions (1 and 2) guided… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Building Guided Pathways to Community College Student Success: Promising Practices and Early Evidence from Tennessee

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Among state community college systems, the 13 community colleges under the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) are probably the furthest along in implementing guided pathways reforms. All 13 colleges are implementing what they call “Tennessee completion practices”–reforms to help students choose, enter, navigate, and complete programs that prepare them for further education and careers. This report describes how the colleges are operationalizing the Tennessee completion practices in their own contexts, as well as how trends in leading indicators of student completion have changed since the reforms began. Drawing on colleges’ detailed self-assessments of their progress and telephone interviews with college administrators, staff, and faculty, the authors discuss how far along the colleges are in implementing completion practices in each of the four major areas of guided pathways… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Me While I Am Learning Mathematics: Reflections to Elementary School Students’ Drawings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Each child will not become senior mathematicians in the future but all children have the right to get learning opportunities which he/she can develop his/her mathematical understanding at school. The success of children in mathematics is closely related to how they are taught mathematics. At this point, the role of teaching mathematics stands out in elementary school since they first encounter mathematics as a subject. Elementary school is the place where students first experience success or failure in mathematics. Therefore, the fundamentals of students’ tendencies towards mathematics which will set and affect their future learning life are also laid here. The present study aims to examine the perceptions of elementary school students towards learning mathematics by means of their drawings. Drawings are tools for children to express… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 40th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,” 2018

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since the enactment of the “Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975” (“EHA”), Public Law (P.L.) 94-142 and its successor statute, the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act” (“IDEA” or “act”), the secretary of the U.S. Department of Education (secretary) (and her predecessor, the commissioner of education at the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare) have been required to transmit to Congress an annual report to inform Congress and the public of the progress being made in implementing the act. The annual reports to Congress reflect a history of persistent commitment and effort to expand educational opportunities for children with disabilities. The “40th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2018” describes the nation’s progress in: (1) providing a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Gender and Student Performance in Mathematics. Evidence from Catalonia (Spain)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper analyses the impact of teacher gender towards students’ test results in a blinded Math test administered to students in Catalonia (Spain). The data for this analysis are drawn from a sample of secondary school students who participated in an international blind-test known as the “Mathematical Kangaroo” in 2008. The estimation considers a two-stage procedure since participation on the test leads to the presence of sample selection. Results show a correlation between female teacher gender and student results. Moreover, students with female teachers have a higher probability of participating in the “Kangaroo” test (in this case, the effect being more marked among male students). Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Attitudes of Students and Teachers towards the Use of Interactive Whiteboards in Elementary and Secondary School Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recently much have been invested in the interactive whiteboard educational technology in Turkey. The government is still wishful to spread it to schools of all levels. This study tries to understand teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward interactive whiteboard technology along with differences in attitudes resulting from some demographic factors. Two parallel surveys consisting of 25 items were applied to 255 students and 23 teachers from three private schools. Students from sixth to twelfth grades and teachers from 15 different branches participated in this research study. The results indicate that interactive whiteboards are highly rated by both teachers and students. Students mostly prefer the usage of interactive whiteboards in math courses, and their attitudes differ across their genders and school levels. As students get elder, their positive attitudes… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of Parents’ Expectations from Mathematics Education in Turkey

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this study, the expectations of middle school students’ parents regarding to “conceptual understanding and active student participation” “positive attitude and behavior attitude” and “authority and rule-oriented teaching” were examined. A valid and reliable threefactor instrument developed by the Aytekin, Baltaci, Altunkaya, Kiymaz and Yildiz (2016) was used in collecting parents’ expectations. 749 parents participated in the study. It was found that the variables of parental gender, parental age range, and monthly income of the parents, level of loving mathematics and level of helping the child have no significant effect on the expectations. The university graduates had less authority and rule-oriented teaching expectation than the remaining parents. Besides, it is seen that the 5th grade parents had higher expectations of conceptual understanding and active participation and positive… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – University Mathematics Students’ Study Habits and Use of Learning Materials

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this article, we report from a group (N=98) of students from two campuses of one Finnish university, on their study habits, and to what extent they use different kinds of learning materials in university mathematics courses. Our results show that the older students are more communicative with their teachers, whereas the younger students ask for help more often from fellow students. The sociomathematical norms that constitute the local study culture have a significant impact on the study habits and on the use of learning materials. For example, the use of videos and studying lecture materials before the lectures were clearly more usual at one campus than at the other. We also found some significant differences between the groups that are based on the study programmes. The… Continue Reading