Eric.ed.gov – The Prevalence or Absence of Attention to Adolescent Literature in the Initial Preparation of Secondary Content Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined uses of adolescent literature included secondary teacher preparation in English, math, science, and social studies education at 12 institutions. Analyses revealed programs emphasized adolescent literature in a variety of ways and most often in courses for English majors. Only two institutions required that prospective math, science, and social studies teachers take literacy courses. References to adolescent literature in syllabi other than English/literacy education courses were almost nonexistent. Adolescent literature was primarily used (a) to ensure knowledge of texts, (b) to address issues of diversity in the classroom, and (c) as a means of effective classroom instruction. (Contains 1 table.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Important, but Not for Me: Parents and Students in Kansas and Missouri Talk about Math, Science and Technology Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study details parents’ and students’ current thinking about math, science and technology (MST) education and their satisfaction with the existing curriculum which most experts see as vastly below world-class standards. The study finds just 25% of Kansas/Missouri parents think their children should be studying more math and science; 70% think things “are fine as they are now.” The report also explains why parents and students are so complacent in this area and what kinds of changes might be helpful in building more interest in and support for more rigorous MST courses. The findings are based on a random survey of 1,472 parents and 1,295 middle and high school students in Kansas and Missouri, probing their attitudes on math, science, and to a lesser extent, technology education.… Continue Reading