Eric.ed.gov – Community and Place in Mathematics Instruction in Selected Rural Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The teaching of mathematics, which arguably is so abstract as to transcend place and community and even culture (according at least to a Platonic view of mathematics), will seem to some observers particularly ill-suited to instruction in place- or community- or culture-based approaches. Nevertheless, current thinking in mathematics education, with its emphasis on the construction of meaning and the application of problem solving to “real-world” situations, might logically be interpreted as supporting these varied approaches to instruction. Because both rural education and math education scholars collaborated in conducting this study, the project did indeed have its eye as much on the “community purposes of mathematics instruction” as on the “mathematical purposes of community engagement”. The related complexities are legion–and, the authors find, them interesting. This report begins… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Learning Activity Package, General Math 102, LAPs 13-24.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This series of 12 teacher-prepared Learning Activity Packages (LAPs) for General Mathematics 2 covers the topics of numbers; descriptive statistics; calculations with whole numbers and percents; measurement; geometric concepts; formulas, areas, and volumes; introductory algebra; integers; indirect measurement; insurance, taxes, and savings; consumer mathematics; and different number bases. Each unit contains a rationale for the material being covered; lists of behavioral objectives; a list of reading assignments, problem sets to be completed, and tape recordings; and a student self-evaluation problem set. (DT) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Does the Middle School Model Make a Difference? Relating Measures of School Effectiveness to Recommended Best Practices

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since the emergence of middle schools as distinct educational settings in the 1960s, proponents of the model have advocated for structures and approaches that best meet the particular developmental needs of young adolescents. Middle school researchers have developed frameworks of best practices for schools that have been widely, if not uniformly, adopted. However, there is a paucity of large-scale quantitative research on the efficacy of such best practices. In this study we used state-level administrative data from Texas to estimate the school-level contribution to standardized test scores in math and language arts, along with absenteeism. We then regressed these value-added quantities on indicators of middle school structures, along with research-supported predictors of school efficacy. Results showed that schools with fewer classes in the school day and higher… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – College Faculty Understanding of Hybrid Teaching Environments and Their Levels of Trainability by Departments

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We explored whether the knowledge of hybrid teaching (conceptions) or incorrect knowledge (misconceptions) or lack of knowledge differed among faculty from various teaching areas–education, social sciences, business, art and humanities, and math and sciences–in New York. One hundred twenty-eight faculty members responded to a test of their knowledge of hybrid learning. Using a one-way ANOVA, we found no significant differences between conceptions, misconceptions, and lack of knowledge among faculty. However, their conceptions differences approached significance (p < 0.074). We evaluated faculty levels of trainability. The results of frequency analysis suggested that professors of math and sciences, and business tended to understand more online or hybrid environments than professors of other areas did. However, professors of art and humanities, and social sciences showed high trainability scores. Link til… Continue Reading