Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics Teaching for the Future

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The universities and faculties which educate teachers of mathematics for teaching pupils/students of any age group from pre-school age to higher education carefully monitor and compare valuable results of this research, detect the areas in which the mathematical achievements of pupils should be improved at the national level and propose the ways to improve the quality of education and achieve better learning outcomes. We deem particularly valuable contributions of the researchers regarding the samples of poorer mathematical achievements at the “local level” in neighbouring countries, as well as the presentation of examples of good practice by means of which we pave the path towards better achievements of pupils and, consequently, the improvement in the quality of teaching mathematics at the “local,” as well as the global level.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Promising Practices in Professional Growth & Support: “Case Study of Agile Mind”

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Four organizations with promising practices in teacher Professional Growth & Support have significantly raised outcomes for low-income students. The charter management networks, Achievement First and Aspire Public Schools, and the two reform organizations, Teach Plus and Agile Mind, have successfully increased student achievement with a sustained focus on teaching effectiveness and capacity. As these organizations respond to the challenges of Common Core standards, invest heavily in teaching capacity through teacher leadership and collaborative planning time, and capitalize on assessment and evaluation data and technology, they exemplify best practices in Professional Growth & Support. They also reinforce what Education Resource Strategies (ERS) terms the Eight Principles of a Strategic Professional Growth & Support System which are presented here. The eight principles summarize ERS research and work with partner… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Science and Math Education Information Report: National Association for Research in Science Teaching. 43rd Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Presented Papers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report contains abstracts of most of the research papers in science education presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching in Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 5-8, 1970. Also included are the topics and names of participants of several symposia at the conference. The abstracts are organized under topic headings corresponding to the various sessions. Among the wide range of subjects covered are the Gagne learning model, Piaget based learning studies, student achievement and attitude assessment in science, instructional variables and techniques, curriculum organization, curriculum evaluation models, science instruction in the elementary and junior high schools, teacher education in science, Earth Science Curriculum Project research and the career development of science teachers. Each abstract contains the procedures, findings and conclusions of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Individualization of Math in Grades Five and Six: An Experimental Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Fifth- and sixth-grade students in one school were instructed using the Mathematics Target System, an individualized approach, while those at a comparable school were given more traditional instruction. Students in both the experimental and control groups were pretested using the Pupil Opinionnaire, Attitude Toward Mathematics scale, and the Stanford Achievement Test. After a year’s instruction, students were again tested using parallel forms of these instruments. Differences between groups at each test administration and differences between pre- and post-test means were submitted to analyses using the Chi-square statistic. Although there were some differences between the groups at the outset of the study, the individualized approach was shown to be quite effective with fifth-grade students. The authors observe that independent influences on the control group resulting from increased systemwide… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Voices from the Field: Collaborative Innovations in Early Childhood Educator Preparation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Voices from the Field: Collaborative Innovations in Early Childhood Educator Preparation” is jointly published by the Illinois Education Research Council (IERC) and the Illinois Board of Education (IBHE), and highlights the accomplished work of many of the state’s two- and four-year faculty to redesign early childhood educator preparation programs to meet regional and state workforce needs. This edited book has chapters authored by EC faculty from both the 2-year and 4-year sectors and provides clear, tangible examples of how universities across Illinois worked together, often with regional employers, to design pathways for early childhood educators to earn the state’s industry-recognized Gateways credentials while taking college coursework leading to degrees. Each chapter has a unique focus and together, their “Voices” provide significant insight into the innovative partnerships that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Transforming the “Underachieving” Math Curriculum. ASCD Curriculum Update.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report discusses the change in mathematics curriculum influenced by researchers, society, and the mathematics field. Many research results suggest that students should learn mathematics by experience. Students’ misconceptions may be formed because of the sudden shift from arithmetic to algebra. Up to the eighth grade, mathematical content has been heavily repeated. For more of the active doing of mathematics, four common activities (abstracting, inventing, proving, and applying) and four processes (generalizing, conjecturing, convincing, and specializing) are recommended. The curriculum standards developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the curriculum framework developed by the National Academy of Sciences, some projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project, and other projects are described. Constraints against curricular change are listed and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Identifying Perceptions That Contribute to the Development of Successful Project Lead the Way Pre-Engineering Programs in Utah

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: An educational crisis has been reported from many scholarly platforms for the last quarter century. The United States is faced with the challenge of providing a secondary science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, especially in secondary pre-engineering, that will lead its students to the fulfillment of academic and domestic success. Educational reform is paramount in defining goals for the future and in reaching those goals both in secondary education institutions and in the nation. The educational crisis addressed in this research is characterized by K-12 public education not producing students who have the necessary skills or inclination to be successful in college and university engineering programs across the nation. Today, there are many programs available for public schools to participate in pre-engineering. The purpose of this… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Culminating Experience Action Research Projects, Volume 17, Fall 2010

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As a part of the teacher licensure program at the graduate level at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC), the M.Ed. Licensure candidate is required to complete an action research project during a 3-semester-hour course that coincides with the 9-semester-hour student teaching experience. This course, Education 5900 Culminating Experience, requires the student to implement an action research plan designed through (a) the Education 5000 Introduction to Inquiry course or the Education 5010 Methods of Educational Research course, (b) one of the two learning assessments required during student teaching, or (c) a newly-designed project not used as one of the learning assessments. With funding through a UTC Teaching, Learning, and Technology Faculty Fellows award, the Education 5900 course is conducted through the use of an online, course… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Capstone Mathematics Courses for Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Three key features of a proposed capstone mathematics course for the preparation of teachers at the secondary level are: 1) teacher candidates examine concepts from the curriculum at a deeper level in the context of rich problems; 2) they investigate common themes in the math curriculum, such as shape and change, then collaborate on and present their research; and 3) they create portfolios of extensions and course reflections, products that require them to engage in higher-level, original thinking. Through this variety of assessments, the instructor is able to see future teachers of mathematics from multiple perspectives: their mathematical knowledge, their dispositions, and their beliefs about what mathematics is and how to effectively communicate the essential ideas. Participants’ reflections indicate that those aspects of the course that have… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Learning Activity Package, General Math 92, LAPs 1-12.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is a series of 12 teacher-prepared Learning Activity Packages (LAPs) for General Mathematics 1. Topics covered include using mathematical tools; counting and computing; measurement: whole and fractional numbers; measurement: decimal notation; percent; tables and graphs; introductory algebra; equations and applications; integers; and computing, managing, and using income. The units each contain a rationale for the material being covered; lists of behavioral objectives; a list of reading assignments, problem sets, tape recordings, and filmstrips that go with the unit; and a student self-evaluation problem set. (DT) Link til kilde