Eric.ed.gov – Helpwithmaths.com: Students’ Use of Online Mathematical Resources

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A recent Google search for “Help with maths” produced 57,600,000 results, indicating that there are literally millions of online resources claiming to provide assistance with mathematics. As mathematics educators, however, we remain largely uninformed about students’ use of such resources, particularly when they are self-initiated and often accessed in an out of classroom environment. This paper reports on a study that investigated the resources Grade 8 and 9 students accessed when requiring support with understanding mathematical concepts. The study found that while friends and teachers were often students’ preferred options, they did access online sites, particularly in the later years of schooling. The study has implications for students and teachers including the potential for online resources to both complement and challenge the traditional role of the teacher… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Online Teacher Training: The Early Childhood Technology Integrated Instructional System–Phase 3

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Legislation, research, and practice support access to technology by young children with disabilities. Yet barriers to technology use–lack of training, inadequate funding, failure to acknowledge technology as a relevant issue, or disbelief that technology can positively impact young children with disabilities–often prevail among many disciplines important to early childhood teams (Barnett, 2001; Healy, 1998; Hutinger, Hall, Johanson, Robinson, Stoneburner, & Wisslead, 1994; Pressman, 1999). The purpose of this study is to present the findings from the Early Childhood Technology Integrated Instructional System (EC-TIIS)–Phase 3 project. EC-TIIS utilizes nine online workshops (Adaptations, Computer Environment, Curriculum Integration, Emergent Literacy, Expressive Arts, Family Participation, Math, Science, and Social Studies, Software Evaluation, Technology Assessment) to assist teachers’ use of technology with children with special needs. It was also designed as a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Digital Storytelling: A Tool for Teaching and Learning in the YouTube Generation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Say the phrase “Charlie bit my finger,” and just about every human being with Internet access visualizes the viral video clip of baby Charlie precociously biting the finger of his brother. With almost 200 million views, this video represents just one of thousands of viral videos that form a core component of modern entertainment, news, and advertising. These snippets that people e-mail, post, and pass on to one another faster than the common cold have rapidly moved from the fringe of youth culture to the mainstream. What if teachers could capitalize on student interest in these quick and quirky video clips as a way to help students connect with curriculum? That is exactly what Tyler Binkley, a first-year teacher and member of the YouTube generation, has set… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Pathways to STEM Initiative (PSI): Evaluation Report for an Investing in Innovation (I3) Development Grant

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of the Pathways to STEM Initiative (PSI) on students and science teachers and to describe the level of PSI implementation. One group of middle schools participated in PSI, which included project-based science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) coursework; extra-curricular STEM opportunities for students; and teacher professional development. A multivariate matching algorithm was used to identify a comparison group of schools that received the participating district’s standard science curriculum. The students in the study schools were 62% Hispanic/Latino, 17% Black/African American, and 12% White. Additionally, 23% of the students were English language learners. The study compared students’ science achievement and teachers’ beliefs about science and attitudes toward STEM across the treatment and comparison schools and assessed the fidelity… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Open Distribution of Virtual Containers as a Key Framework for Open Educational Resources and STEAM Subjects

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents how virtual containers enhance the implementation of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) subjects as Open Educational Resources (OER). The publication initially summarizes the limitations of delivering open rich learning contents and corresponding assignments to students in college level STEAM areas. The role that virtual containers can play in current distant education is then discussed, starting by reviewing related teaching efforts around the use of legacy virtual machines. We then focus on the superseding container technology and how it can bridge the gap between online students, humble computing resources, teachers and IT specificities. As a practical example, we present an experience carried out at the online School of Engineering & Technology at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). Within the context of a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “New Directions for Traditional Lessons”: Can Handheld Game Consoles Enhance Mental Mathematics Skills?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports on a pilot study that compared the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) handheld game consoles (HGCs) with traditional teaching methods to develop the automaticity of mathematical calculations and self-concept towards mathematics for year 4 students in two metropolitan schools. One class conducted daily sessions using the HGCs and the Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training software to enhance their mental maths skills while the comparison class engaged in mental maths lessons using more traditional classroom approaches. Students were assessed using standardised tests at the beginning and completion of the term and findings indicated that students who undertook the Brain Training pilot study using the HGCs showed significant improvement in both the speed and accuracy of their mathematical calculations and self-concept compared to students in the control… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Computerized Mathematics Lessons

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: E-learning will be gradually introduced to all schools and to all specialties including math lessons. Mathematics courses have increased flexibility and can be accessed from anywhere , anytime via computer linked to internt and web technologies. Characteristics of e-learning in mathematics are : efficiency, immediate, large viewing opportunities , complete and rigorous calculations. These privileges technology offers new opportunities open up new horizons as agreed upon by more and more students. The technology honors two requirements of contemporary education: space and demography. E-learning that has the same quality as traditional education, technology having negative influences on it except that it is a major change shape representation. Formative and summative exemplify using WebCT , Web Course Tools through which the teacher provides the student to be read and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Student Collaboration and School Educational Technology: Technology Integration Practices in the Classroom

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: With the onset of Web 2.0 and 3.0–the social and semantic webs–a next wave for integration of educational technology into the classroom is occurring. The aim of this paper is to show how some teachers are increasingly bringing collaboration and shared meaning-making through technology environments into learning environments (Evergreen Education Group, 2014). Purpose is to show a case study of how teachers include student-to-student online collaboration in their Technology Integration Practices (TIP), and how some research projects are examining useful methodologies for incorporating evaluation, assessment and reflection of the approaches (Wilson et al., 2012; Wilson, Scalise, & Gochyyev, 2014). Results from the use of TIP collaborative math/science notebooks in the Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S) project are presented. Recommendations are to help teachers answer… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math on the Web: A Status Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This publication reports on resources on the Web for the area of math. A quick look is given at innovative sites under the areas of new resources for students, new ways for teachers and students to interact, new ways of presenting math, and new tools for research. Next, advantages and disadvantages are identified for each of the following technologies: HTML pages with GIF images for equations; Adobe Acrobat (PDF); IBM Techexplorer pages; server-side programming (CGI, Perl, Java, ASP scripts, etc.); and HTML and components (Design Science WebEQ, IBM Techexplorer components). Standards for math communication on the Web are then discussed. A list of the standards that Math on the Web developers should be considered with is given, along with the role each standard plays in the HTML… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Integrating Math and Science with Technology.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes the effect of integrating math and science and employing technology to bridge the gap. The targeted population consisted of primary and secondary students in a diverse, blue-collar, rural community located in northeast central Illinois. The problem of low-test scores and errors on assignments in mathematics was evident and documented through daily work, student portfolios, and teacher generated tests. Analysis of probable cause data revealed that low student achievement in math skills was evident in the daily work, portfolios of students, and tests by teachers. Students were not motivated to learn math and science skills in a traditional classroom setting. Teaching strategies utilized technology, thematic units, and an integrated math and science course in order to make learning relevant to the students. A review of… Continue Reading