Eric.ed.gov – Math and Science. Module 5. MATHCO Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: MATHCO is a motivating series of audiovisual and print materials designed to overcome the negative effects of sex bias and stereotyping on the attitudes, interests, and aspirations of girls toward mathematics and mathematics-related careers. The materials teach mathematics skills, demonstrate relationships between mathematics and other subjects, and provide exposure to mathematics-related careers. They are useful for boys as well as girls at the pre- and early-adolescent stage; they are both multiethnic and nonsexist in text and illustrations. Module 5 considers the relationship between science and mathematics. The ability to make careful observations is stressed. Following the audiovisual script, 14 activities involving classification, levers, noise, archaeological digs, air pollution, and litter, among other topics, are considered, with activity worksheets for each. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Math and Careers. Module 1. MATHCO Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: MATHCO is a motivating series of audiovisual and print materials designed to overcome the negative effects of sex bias and stereotyping on the attitudes, interests, and aspirations of girls toward mathematics and mathematics-related careers. The materials teach mathematics skills, demonstrate relationships between mathematics and other subjects, and provide exposure to mathematics-related careers. They are useful for boys as well as girls at the pre- and early-adolescent stage; they are both multiethnic and nonsexist in text and illustrations. Following a summary of materials, program objectives, how to use MATHCO, and a sample time line, background information on sexism in schools, sex stereotyping in mathematics textbooks, teacher behaviors, and other factors affecting the mathematics attainment of females is given. Mathematics anxiety and avoidance is discussed, as are sex-related differences… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using the Scientific Method to Engage Mathematical Modeling: An Investigation of pi

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this paper is to explain how to use the scientific method as the framework to introduce mathematical model. Two interdisciplinary activities, targeted for students in grade 6 or grade 7, are explained to show the application of the scientific method while building a mathematical model to investigate the relationship between the circumferences and the diameter of circular objects. In the first activity, a research question is pursued as it relates to the stated hypothesis. In the second activity, the same research question is retained; however, the use of exploration helps to build the hypothesis. The activities serve as examples to show how middle school math teachers may use scientific inquiry to motive students’ understanding of mathematical models as well as engage in science beyond… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Look at Math Teachers and Problem Solving.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The need for mathematics teachers to incorporate instruction in problem-solving skills into the curriculum is discussed. Results of a study of problem-solving instruction in the classrooms of nine seventh grade teachers are briefly noted. There were significant differences between the teachers in how they planned, organized, and delivered lessons, but there was little difference between regular lessons and problem-solving lessons. Moreover, students showed little improvement in problem solving. A complete description of the study is included. How the teachers taught is described in some detail. Implications are discussed in terms of organizational style, problem-solving content, and other teaching methods. Several figures and tables are supplied. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Routines in Expert Math Teachers’ Thoughts and Actions.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research was designed to elucidate the activity structures and routines of elementary mathematics teachers by describing what they are, analyzing their frequency and duration, analyzing the functions that routines serve for the cognitive processes of teachers, and beginning to model the chains of routines and their fit with planned or spontaneous actions that make up a lesson. Five “expert” teachers and four novice student teachers, along with their classes, comprised the sample. They were observed over a 3-1/2 month period, with note-taking, videotapes and transcribed interviews providing data. For each teacher, transcribed notes and interviews were analyzed and broken down into action records giving duration, action of student, action of teacher, and a name for the action. For two experts and one novice teacher, a more… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Penpals! Developing Written Communication in Mathematics.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Communication in the mathematics classroom is currently viewed as an integral part of mathematics instruction. This paper explores the usefulness of math penpal letters as a means of increasing the quality of written communication in mathematics. The focus of this study is the letter writing exchanges between a class of 4th-grade students (n=28) and preservice teachers (n=27) attending a mathematics education course. The letter exchanges occurred over a period of three months, and the writing was examined for its content and style. It also served as a window through which teachers could glean some otherwise inaccessible information about students. Explorations into writing math penpal letters attest to their richness and potential for developing written communication in mathematics. The penpal exchanges also helped preservice teachers think about mathematics… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of the Reasons for Students’ Attitudes towards the Interactive Whiteboard Use in Mathematics Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons of the students’ attitudes towards interactive whiteboard (IWB) use in mathematics classrooms in middle schools and high schools. For this purpose the effect of IWB’s features, students’ mathematics anxiety, teachers’ ICT integration, students’ mathematics achievement and gender to students’ attitudes towards use of interactive whiteboard were investigated. This study is a descriptive research designed as a relational survey method. The research sampling consisted of 350 students in middle schools and 557 students in high schools in Balikesir. The Attitude and Characteristics of IWB scale to measure the students’ attitudes and the perceived features of IWB was used. Also the Mathematics Anxiety scale that consists of five items was used to measure students’ mathematics anxiety. To determine the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Results of Implementing Zone of Proximal Development on Learning Outcomes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: With the development of personalized learning in technological platforms, more data and information are given to instructors on what contents are appropriate for a learner’s next step, with an aim of helping them support their students in navigating an optimized learning path that can promote an enhanced learning outcome. In this study, we collected data from an online learning platform, Learnta® TAD , which allows teachers to distribute tasks based on system recommendations. The recommendations are directed by the system’s knowledge graph algorithm, determining whether the student is ready to learn the task (i.e. the task is within the student’s Zone of Proximal Development), whether the student is not yet ready to learn the task, or whether the student has already mastered the task. We used the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preparing College Teachers To Integrate Math and Language Instruction.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A project to develop special training materials to introduce college teachers to the math-language approach is reported. The materials link language learning techniques to mathematics concept formation and are intended for teachers of limited-English-proficient (LEP) students. Specialists in both fields produced a three-part training package consisting of an instructor’s guide and a video program, to be used as an introduction to and rationale for using the approach, and as a general blueprint for a text and workbook produced by the Center for Applied Linguistics and entitled “English Skills for Algebra.” The report describes activities undertaken in developing the materials and assessing their effectiveness as compared to the conventional workshop method of teacher training. Results of interviews and surveys indicate that the materials provide the necessary classroom guidance… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Elementary School Principals with Different Leadership Content Knowledge Profiles Support Teachers’ Mathematics Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Classroom observation and teacher supervision is an important part of the life of schools. From the teacher’s point of view it can be an opportunity for one’s principal to get to know one’s work and provide opportunities for continued learning; or it can be an ordeal. From the principal’s point of view it can be an opportunity to understand what is going on in mathematics classrooms in his school and to offer help to teachers; or it can be a perfunctory process of filling out a checklist. This article reports the results of a study conducted to determine the role principals’ leadership content knowledge (LCK) plays in their observations of mathematics classrooms and conferences with teachers. The researchers were particularly interested in how different LCK “profiles”–particular combinations… Continue Reading