Eric.ed.gov – Classroom Strategies to Use with Students Following Traumatic Brain Injuries: Reading, Math, Writing, and Behavior

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) changes cognition and behavior in students. Their learning needs are different from students with other exceptionalities. General and special education teachers can use specific strategies based on learning style, along with certain resources, with students who have experienced a TBI to promote learning in reading, writing and math, The typical Behavior Improvement Plan of Antecedent, Behavior, Consequences does not work with a child after a TBI. Instead, a Behavior Improvement Plan should be developed based on the student’s learning style after the injury, incorporating his or her physical and cognitive capabilities. (Contains 1 figure.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Visualizing the Olympic Didactic Situation (ODS): Teaching Mathematics with Support of the GeoGebra Software

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The teaching of Mathematics in the context of the Mathematical Olympiads in Brazil constitutes a context of research still little considered, with particular interest in the teaching and the learning phenomena. In Brazil, we identified a large number of teachers and students who do not participate in official math competitions, such as the Brazilian Olympiads of Mathematics of Public Schools (OBMEP). On the other hand, it is important to implement didactic resources that allow other forms of didactic transposition to the mathematical knowledge addressed for the Olympic Problems (OP). In this way, the present work presents and introduces the notion of Olympic Didactical Situation (ODS), from a perspective of didactic transposition necessary for the teacher, who must transmit the mathematical knowledge characteristic of the Mathematical Olympiads to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Powerful Learning Conversations: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Powerful Learning Conversations (PLC) sought to improve the feedback that teachers give to pupils in Year 9, by training them to apply techniques used in sports coaching. It is based on the idea that feedback in sports coaching is often provided immediately after a task is performed, and delivered in a way that children are more likely to respond positively to. The training programme adopted a ‘cascade’ model: expert teachers were trained in the approach and then expected to disseminate their training to English and Maths teachers in their school. PLC was developed in the UK secondary school context by the Youth Sport Trust (YST) in collaboration with the University of Exeter. This feasibility pilot study was conducted in 20 schools between January 2014 and November 2014.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – I Can Do Maths Too–Count Me in!

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since the early 1980s, it has become increasingly common for children with special needs to be included in regular classrooms. In this article, the author addresses issues surrounding the inclusion of students with special needs into the regular classroom. She discusses potential sources of difficulty with mathematics and suggests strategies to help teachers effectively manage the learning of special needs students in their classes. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Meaningful Mathematics: Networking Theories on Multiple Representations and Quantitative Reasoning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper articulates a stance on the study of students’ meaningful mathematics understanding with multiple representations. We integrate Thompson’s theory of quantitative reasoning and Dreyfus’ theory of multiple representations in our approach to frame and conduct empirical investigations of the study of meaningful understanding of function. We provide empirical data to support our approach to examining representational fluency and functional thinking from this networked stance. Our research articulates how the coordination of theories can be productive in informing the design, conduct, and analysis of contexts aimed to understand students’ meaningful math learning with a focus on functional thinking. [For the complete proceedings, see ED606556.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Building Academic Skills in Context: Testing the Value of Enhanced Math Learning in CTE. Pilot Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes the conduct and outcomes of an experimental pilot study conducted in Spring 2004 to develop and test a model that aimed to enhance career and technical education (CTE) instruction with the mathematics already embedded in the curricula of six occupational areas. Although present in the CTE curriculum, math is largely implicit to both teachers and students. The impetus for the study is that many high school students, particularly those in enrolled in CTE courses, do not have the math skills necessary for today’s jobs or college entrance requirements. This research project was aimed at using an authentic context for teaching math skills. Preparation for the study began in the summer of 2003 with the nationwide recruitment of teacher-participants. CTE teachers who were interested in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using Tablet Computers as Instructional Tools to Increase Task Completion by Students with Autism

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This single subject design study (ABAB) investigated the effects of using iPads[R] in a classwide academic intervention to increase independent task completion and basic math skills of seven students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) enrolled in a special education school for students with moderate to severe disabilities. An additional purpose of the study was to identify the advantages of and challenges to using iPads[R] for classroom instruction. Traditional basic math instruction was used for the baseline phase, while a basic math skill app on an iPad[R] was used for the intervention phase. Math probes were completed and the results recorded for four to five sessions for each of the four weeks of the study. Data on level of teacher prompting and presence of noncompliant behaviors were… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: Teacher Self Learning Series. Module 5: The Standards for Mathematical Practice–Connecting the Practices to Content Standards

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This module assumes that the information presented in previous modules is well known to the learner. Module 5 is the second of three modules (4, 5, and 6) designed to provide an in-depth look at the Standards of Mathematical Practice which are part of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Module 5 focuses on how the practices connect to the content standards using tasks as examples. Additionally, there is a short section on the interrelatedness of the Math Practices which provides another lens through which to view the connections to the content standards. Links to descriptions to help differentiate the expected proficiencies by grade level are also included in this module. By the end of the module, the learner will be able to identify which practices… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Toolbox for Supporting Early Number Learning in Play: Moving beyond “How Many”?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper explores the ways preschool teachers orchestrate instructional environments to promote mathematical play related to early number and, how they intervene during play to promote children’s engagement with early number. We highlight these practices to identify resources for the growing numbers of early childhood teachers. This is important as many prospective and practicing teachers do not have access to the knowledge of teaching that supports young children’s math learning because of the constraints of mathematics methods courses and the dearth of research on early childhood mathematics in mathematic education journals — particularly in-depth attention to early number and teaching mathematics in play. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Increasing Math Achievement through Use of Music.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes a program for increasing math achievement through the use of musical interventions including repeated exposure to Mozart classical music and School House Rock, and introduction to teacher-made songs that introduce mathematical concepts in the music classroom. The students of the targeted second and fourth grade classes exhibited low levels of achievement according to local and national standards. Evidence for the existence of the problem included teacher- made pre-tests, parent questionnaires, and student questionnaires. Probable causes for low levels of student mathematical achievement were identified through a review of the literature and analysis of the setting and can be divided into student, home, school, teacher, and district influences. The following probable causes were cited: disabilities, classroom climate, motivation, problem behaviors, lack of homework support due… Continue Reading