har udgivet: In the United States, traditionally underrepresented minority children have lower levels of academic achievement than their white counterparts. In the broadest perspective, this quantitative study seeks to help stakeholders and policymakers understand the factors responsible for Hispanic or Latino student achievement relative to that of comparison groups. The key dependent variables in this study are student achievement in reading and writing, and in math and science. Specifically, the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) examines the impact on reading and writing, math and science achievement levels of computer use both at school and at home, and of teacher preparation for computer-based instruction. TRPI researchers analyzed the effects of these factors not only on comprehension of math and science, but also on reading and writing since research demonstrates that… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: As a university professor who has taught at the teacher education, masters, and doctoral levels, the life of teaching has been an enduring interest, particularly teaching that occurs in K-12 settings. From the author’s own work as a K-12 teacher and administrator to her earliest studies of effective teaching and in her own university teaching, she has been interested in the complex practice of teaching and in how to make the practice more effective for student learning and more satisfying and fulfilling for the teacher. Thus, she engaged in a yearlong action research project with a fifth-grade teacher who happened to be her daughter. Her objective was to better understand the action research process; she had not anticipated the multi-faceted results in terms of student benefits and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Solving challenging math problems often invites a child to ride an “emotional roller-coaster” and experience a complex mixture of emotions including confusion, frustration, joy, and surprise. Early exposure to this type of “hard fun” may stimulate child’s interest and curiosity of mathematics and nurture life long skills such as resilience and perseverance. However, without optimal support, it may also turn off child prematurely due to unresolved frustration. An ideal teacher is able to pick up child’s subtle emotional signals in real time and respond optimally to offer cognitive and emotional support. In order to design an intelligent tutor specifically designed for this purpose, it is necessary to understand at fine-grained level the child’s emotion experience and its interplay with the inter-personal communication dynamics between child and his/her… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to investigate a new methodology for detection of differences in middle grades students’ math anxiety. A mixture partial credit model analysis revealed two distinct latent classes based on homogeneities in response patterns within each latent class. Students in Class 1 had less anxiety about apprehension of math lessons and use of mathematics in daily life, and more self-efficacy for mathematics than students in Class 2. Moreover, students in Class 1 were found to be more successful in mathematics, mostly like mathematics and mathematics teachers, and have better educated mothers in comparison to students in Class 2. However, gender, attending private or public schools, and education levels of fathers did not appear to differ between the classes. Capturing such fine-grained information extends… Continue Reading →
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