Eric.ed.gov – If a Student Thinks, “I’m Not a Math Person”, Do Preservice Teachers Notice?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Students’ beliefs that mathematical abilities are fixed can cause long-standing problems with motivation and learning. Hence, teachers should notice such problematic beliefs about identity among their students and handle them adequately. We used written descriptions of classroom situations to determine whether preservice mathematics teachers (n = 80) noticed fixed beliefs about mathematical abilities and whether they had strategies for dealing with them. The qualitative data were coded and transformed into a score for noticing. We found that most of the preservice teachers did not notice problematic beliefs. Thereby, preservice teachers who believed that mathematical abilities are malleable were more likely to notice fixed beliefs among students. When describing beliefs, few participants referred to theoretical concepts. Hardly any preservice teachers suggested strategies for handling students’ beliefs. However, the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Promoting Numeracy through a Family Math Night

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Over the past decade, the international (PISA) and national (CMEC Pan-Canadian Assessment), standardized testing results have shown that students in Manitoba have relatively low results in the area of mathematics when compared to the rest of Canada. This article discusses a project that was devised as a means of reaching out to a school community in order to support numeracy development. The local Family Math Night (FMN) hosted as part of this research project fostered positive relationships between school, university, and community; engaged parents and students in curriculum-based mathematics activities in a supportive, non-threatening, and fun atmosphere; and potentially had a positive effect on teacher perceptions of parental involvement and school-parent partnerships. The emergent school-wide follow-up event provided teacher candidates with opportunities to plan for and engage… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Investigation of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Skills in the Development of Activities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this research is to determine pre-service mathematics teachers’ skills in the development of activities. The research was carried out using the case study which is descriptive method. For the collection of data, 57 pre-service mathematics teachers’ in their final year secondary math teachers’ education department attended the research. Pre-service teachers were asked to develop 5 activities for the concept of function a high school mathematics curricula. After obtaining the data, it was analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. The developed activities were first examined to see if they qualified as activities, which would be used in the learning process stage, and then examined to see which skills were reflected in the activities. The findings indicated that more than half of the pre-service teachers could… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Digital Storytelling as a Problem-Solving Strategy in Mathematics Teacher Education: How Making a Math-eo Engages and Excites 21st Century Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examines whether creating a mathematics-based digital story increases pre-service teachers’ understanding of the problem solving process, the relationship among visual, auditory and verbal representation in critical thinking/problem solving in mathematics. Survey results indicated that pre-service teachers were unfamiliar with the uses of technology in the teaching process. However, as they worked through the writing/problem solving procedures and constructed digital stories, they became more aware of the advantages of using this multimodal product, called Math-eos, to teach mathematical concepts to elementary/middle school students. The pre-service teachers perceived that Math-eos offered a “cool” new tool for their own learning and teaching and for integrating digital technology in mathematics education to increase student engagement, motivation and acquisition of content knowledge. Link til kilde