Eric.ed.gov – Using VoiceThread for Communication in Mathematics Writing

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: ‘This action research study was conducted on a fourth grade rural classroom in Orange County, N.Y. for the purpose of determining if the use of the VoiceThread program will affect student performance in mathematics writing. A baseline of student performance on this measure was administered in the fall of 2010 using the NYS Holistic rubric of a 3 point total value as provided from the NYS 2009 4th grade Math Test. Four questions on varying topics were pulled from the same test as the rubric mentioned here. In addition, a graphic organizer was utilized to support organization of student thoughts on the problem. A survey was administered to the students at the end of this study which demonstrated positive attitudes towards the use of graphic organizers and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Passport Reading Journeys [TM]. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Snapshot

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Literacy skills are critical to students’ academic achievement and setting them on a path to successful high school graduation and readiness for college and careers. “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM] is a supplemental literacy curriculum designed to help improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study, and writing skills of struggling readers in grades 6-12. Lessons incorporate both teacher led instruction and technology, including whole-class and small-group instruction, independent reading, video segments, and independent computer-based practice. The curriculum includes a series of two-week, ten-lesson instructional sequences on topics in science, math, fine art, literature, and social studies. Each sequence is themed as an expedition or journey for students. This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) report, part of the WWC’s Adolescent Literacy topic area, explores the effects of “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM]… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Passport Reading Journeys [TM]. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Literacy skills are critical to students’ academic achievement and setting them on a path to successful high school graduation and readiness for college and careers. “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM] is a supplemental literacy curriculum designed to help improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study, and writing skills of struggling readers in grades 6-12. Lessons incorporate both teacher-led instruction and technology, including whole-class and small-group instruction, independent reading, video segments, and independent computer-based practice. The curriculum includes a series of two-week, ten lesson instructional sequences on topics in science, math, fine art, literature, and social studies. Each sequence is themed as an expedition or journey for students. This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) report, part of the WWC’s Adolescent Literacy topic area, explores the effects of “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM]… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Passport Reading Journeys [TM]. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Literacy skills are critical to students’ academic achievement and setting them on a path to successful high school graduation and readiness for college and careers. “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM] is a supplemental literacy curriculum designed to help improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study, and writing skills of struggling readers in grades 6-12. Lessons incorporate both teacher-led instruction and technology, including whole-class and small-group instruction, independent reading, video segments, and independent computer-based practice. The curriculum includes a series of two-week, ten lesson instructional sequences on topics in science, math, fine art, literature, and social studies. Each sequence is themed as an expedition or journey for students. This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) report, part of the WWC’s Adolescent Literacy topic area, explores the effects of “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM]… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Intensive Intervention Practice Guide: Explicit Instruction in Reading Comprehension for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The National Center for Leadership in Intensive Intervention (NCLII), a consortium funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), prepares special education leaders to become experts in research on intensive intervention for students with disabilities who have persistent and severe academic (e.g., reading and math) and behavioral difficulties. By the end of the first year of their program, scholars in each cohort work in cross-institutional collaborative groups to create an Intensive Intervention Practice Guide. In each guide, scholars identify an approach to intensive intervention for a select population of students with disabilities, describe the existing evidence base behind it, and discuss the next steps in research needed to improve the understanding of designing and delivering the intervention. The “Intensive Intervention Practice Guides” are created for practitioners… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Giant Story Problems: Reading Comprehension through Math Problem Solving.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Primary students solve “oversized” story problems using drawings, equations, and written responses, helping them understand the links between the language of story problems and the numerical representations of matching equations. The activity also includes oral language and reflective writing, thus bringing together a variety of language experiences into mathematics work. During one 30-minute and one 60-minute session, students will: participate in a shared problem-solving activity; collaborate in small groups to develop a problem-solving strategy; use drawings, words, and equations to model solutions to story problems; effectively and clearly explain their problem-solving strategies to other students; and write about and reflect on their problem-solving strategies. The instructional plan, lists of resources, student assessment/reflection activities, and a list of National Council of Teachers of English/International Reading Association (NCTE/IRA) Standards… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Math Student/The Math Teacher/The Math Problem.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an examination of the problem of national mathematical illiteracy, the math student, the math teacher, and the math problem are discussed. The math student may have defects, deficiencies, disruptions, and/or differences in the cognitive abilities required to perform a mathematical problem. The math teacher may tend to be less verbal and less socially responsive than other teachers. Math teachers also may have internalized mathematical reasoning and its accompanying numerical coding and notation so that they can hardly understand the primitive state of most students and many adults and thus students tend not to question, but instead accept math as a closed system. The math word problem poses a barrier to learning because of the new words and notations and the complex language and terse sentences. An… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effect of Reading Comprehension on the Performance in Science and Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Mathematics and Science classes in schools have become a focus to be considered in terms of educational systems and administration around the world in the last decade. Related to the mentioned classes, there are many benefits that lead students to academic success. In the recent years, educators have found that there are so many different factors that effect students’ performance in science and math classes. Especially reading comprehension has changed so many traditional procedures in teaching math and science. It also shows remarkable benefits. This research focuses on the effects of reading comprehension on mathematics and science achievement. Students’ academic performance on the mentioned classes and their motivation towards those courses will also be the focus of the research. The research is based on the data gathered… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Language Proficiency and Process Skills of Filipino High School Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study employed the Test of English Proficiency for Teachers-Process Skills Test (TEPT-PST) results of Grades 7-10 Science and Math public high school teachers in the Philippines. Qualitative and quantitative designs were applied, along with secondary data, to analyze the subtests in the teacher assessment consisting of Structure, Written Expression, Reading Comprehension, and Process Skills. Findings show that teachers are proficient in reading comprehension items but find difficulty in expressing themselves in written form. Analyses of the competencies show that assessed teachers performed poorly in using articles and noun forms, decoding meaning from a word, and inferring. Lastly, the implications in the teaching-learning process were discussed to provide recommendations based on the evidences. Link til kilde