Eric.ed.gov – General Math 9-12, Environmental Education Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This general mathematics guide, for use in grades 9-12, is one of a series of guides, K-12, that were developed by teachers to help introduce environmental education into the total curriculum. Since the nature of mathematics is abstract, students do not learn mathematics from ecology, nor ecology from mathematics. But, by observation and manipulation of environmental data, the student may inductively discover a principle in mathematics which can be reached deductively. The purpose of this booklet is to make an attempt to bridge mathematics and ecology. The guide is a supplementary handbook of ecologically-oriented mathematics exercises, designed to be self-contained and complete with answers. The exercises are built around 12 major environmental concepts that form a framework for each grade or subject area, as well as for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do Professors Really Perpetuate the Gender Gap in Science? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in a French Higher Education Institution. CEE DP 138

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Stereotypes, role models played by teachers and social norms influence girls’ academic self-concept and push girls to choose humanities rather than science. Do recruiters reinforce this strong selection by discriminating more against girls in more scientific subjects? Using the entrance exam of a French higher education institution (the Ecole Normale Superieure) as a natural experiment, we show the opposite: discrimination goes in favor of females in more male-connoted subjects (e.g. math, philosophy) and in favor of males in more female-connoted subjects (e.g. literature, biology), inducing a rebalancing of sex ratios between students recruited for a research career in science and humanities majors. We identify discrimination by systematic differences in students’ scores between oral tests (non-blind toward gender) and anonymous written tests (blind toward gender). By making comparisons… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Back to the Future of Science and Math Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Some successful innovations and their underlying rationales that were implemented 50, 60, and 70 years ago could be useful in solving many educational problems. Of major concern are the gap between the actual science and mathematics curricula in most schools and the demands placed on everyday living in the modern world dominated by technology and the gap between the actual science and mathematics program in most schools and the needs, interests and abilities of the particular students in those schools. Current reforms such as Project 2061, Project Synthesis, and the National Science Teachers’ Association’s project on scope, sequence, and coordination are discussed. Integrating science with other subjects, progressive education, and other historical projects are also examined. Included are examples of innovative programs found in the United States.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Minorities in Science and Math. ERIC Digest.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Looking to the year 2000 and beyond, this digest explores the lack of individuals entering the fields of science, especially underrepresented minority students such as Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians. Sections include: (1) “Changing Demographics”; (2) “Status of Minorities in Science”; (3) “Barriers to Success”; (4) “Transforming Teaching and Learning”; (5) “Suggestions for Teachers”; (6) “Parental Involvement”; and (7) “The Challenge.” (CCM) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Using Children’s Literature in Math and Science.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Reading is one of the disciplines that can be meaningful in integrating mathematics and science. One way to consider the connection between children’s literature and mathematics is to consider how fictional literature might influence a child’s thinking about the issues that are involved in the scientific enterprises. This document presents resources related to that issue in three sections. The first section answers the question of how to find information on children’s literature and lists some resources. The second section presents and explains teacher resource materials for using children’s literature in mathematics and science separately. Finally, the third section lists and summarizes children’s literature books for mathematics and science. (ASK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Sharing Success in the Southeast: Math, Science, and Computer Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Sharing Success program, recognizes exemplary public school programs and practices in the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Each year, SERVE emphasizes a specific program area for recognition based on one of the national goals for education. This “Sharing Success” publication documents several dozen of the region’s most effective programs in the areas of mathematics, science, and technology (computer-assisted instruction). Programs are ranked for quality and innovation and are presented in three sections: (1) Programs of Excellence, highest rated programs (21) in the areas of Mathematics, Science, Math/Science, and Technology (e.g., science–tropical rain forest, summer science fun lab; math–elementary math lead teachers, problem-solving approach to algebra; math/science–Hayes Cooper Center [magnet school]; technology–writing to write); (2) Quality Programs (46) meeting a high… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Science & Math Events: Connecting and Competing.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This book lists and describes opportunities for teenagers to participate in organized science and math activities within and without the classroom. Students may participate at the local or school level by joining clubs and interest groups and by entering fairs; at the national level, by entering competitions of various sorts; and at the international level, by competing in olympiads and other kinds of contests. The experiences of teachers and students involved in these types of activities, information about the organization and functions of activities, and survey results are described. Lists of national and international science and mathematics activities are provided. (CW) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Integrating Math and Science with Technology.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes the effect of integrating math and science and employing technology to bridge the gap. The targeted population consisted of primary and secondary students in a diverse, blue-collar, rural community located in northeast central Illinois. The problem of low-test scores and errors on assignments in mathematics was evident and documented through daily work, student portfolios, and teacher generated tests. Analysis of probable cause data revealed that low student achievement in math skills was evident in the daily work, portfolios of students, and tests by teachers. Students were not motivated to learn math and science skills in a traditional classroom setting. Teaching strategies utilized technology, thematic units, and an integrated math and science course in order to make learning relevant to the students. A review of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Problems in Math and Science Education. Research in Brief.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A conference sponsored by the National Institute of Education (NIE) examined some of the issues associated with the shortage of science and mathematics teachers. This report discusses problems related to the shortage and reviews strategies that have been undertaken to alleviate the shortage. Solutions are proposed and priorities are identified. These include: (1) curriculum improvement directed to make instruction more meaningful for the average student; (2) increased research on classroom learning and instruction; and (3) recruitment and retention of more competent teachers in the areas of science and mathematics. (ML) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Professional Development for Math and Science.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Because the key agent in mathematics and science reform is the teacher, this issue of the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) Focus highlights professional development. Whatever curriculum change is adopted in a school district, whatever new textbook series is chosen, it is through the teacher that the program will be adapted and translated into classroom activities and assignments. This issue lists 31 resources (books, videotapes, CD-Roms, the Internet) related to professional development in mathematics and science education. The resources featured in this issue were selected from the existing collection at ENC and can be used in a variety of settings from self-study to group study, in consultation with peers and supervisors, and as part of an inquiry into practice or an action research… Continue Reading