Eric.ed.gov – The Math Student/The Math Teacher/The Math Problem.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an examination of the problem of national mathematical illiteracy, the math student, the math teacher, and the math problem are discussed. The math student may have defects, deficiencies, disruptions, and/or differences in the cognitive abilities required to perform a mathematical problem. The math teacher may tend to be less verbal and less socially responsive than other teachers. Math teachers also may have internalized mathematical reasoning and its accompanying numerical coding and notation so that they can hardly understand the primitive state of most students and many adults and thus students tend not to question, but instead accept math as a closed system. The math word problem poses a barrier to learning because of the new words and notations and the complex language and terse sentences. An… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategies for Reducing Math Anxiety. Information Capsule. Volume 1102

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Approximately 93 percent of Americans indicate that they experience some level of math anxiety. Math anxiety is defined as negative emotions that interfere with the solving of mathematical problems. Studies have found that some students who perform poorly on math assessments actually have a full understanding of the concepts being tested; however, their anxiety interferes with their ability to solve mathematical problems. Researchers believe that implementation of strategies to prevent or reduce math anxiety will improve the math achievement of many students. This Information Capsule summarizes strategies that teachers, parents, and students can use to prevent or reduce math anxiety. Link til kilde