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Although the number of computers in the school system is increasing, many schools are not using computers to their capacity. One reason for this may be computer anxiety on the part of the teacher. A review of the computer anxiety literature reveals little information on the subject, and findings from previous studies suggest that basic controlled research is needed. A study was undertaken to measure computer anxiety in a college population and to determine the relationship of computer anxiety to personality types and math anxiety. Undergraduates (N=59) completed Oetting’s Computer Anxiety Scale (COMPAS), A Questionnaire About Computers, the Math Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS), and the Vocational Preference Inventory to determine Holland types. Demographic data revealed that subjects had limited access to computers and only a minimal amount of computer experience. The data from both computer scales suggested mild degrees of computer anxiety. Correlation analysis for the COMPAS and MARS suggested a moderate relationship between the two instruments. An analysis of Holland types revealed that Artistic and Social types reported a significantly higher amount of computer anxiety compared to the remaining four types; there were no significant differences among the other four types. The findings suggest there is some validity to classifying people by Holland types to determine levels of computer anxiety. (NRB)