har udgivet:
In the U.S., STEM subjects–science, technology, engineering, and math–face urgent needs for great STEM teachers and well-educated students. An Opportunity Culture can help by extending the reach of excellent STEM teachers already in our schools and creating a teaching profession that attracts and retains these teachers through higher pay, within regular budgets, and multiple advancement opportunities. The Education Leaders’ Brief summarizes the grim facts about STEM employment and learning in the U.S. today, emerging efforts to stem the shortage of skilled teachers, and how an Opportunity Culture can help. [Public Impact contributors to this publication include Sharon Kebschull Barrett, Lyria Boast, Elaine Hargrave, Gillian Locke, Christen Holly, Emily Ayscue Hassel, and many others who contributed to underlying materials. Beverley Tyndall was responsible for the production of this brief.]