Eric.ed.gov – Assessment of Math Skills in ABE: A Challenge.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Criteria for placement tests on math skills of adult basic education (ABE) students are needed to develop tests that are not too “school-like” because the ABE students are often blocked by math anxiety due to past negative school experiences, students may encounter language problems that affect their math skills, simple math problems do not measure practical problem-solving skills, and a placement test having only right and wrong answers does not provide insight into mathematical procedures of adults. These are the criteria: (1) adult students should be enabled to show the best they can; (2) language in a placement test should not hamper the student from doing the math test; (3) adults, in particular second language learners, should have a chance to apply their own mathematical procedures and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Why Understanding 1-3/4 divided by 1/2 Matters to Math Reform: ABE Teachers Learn the Math They Teach.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper explains the investigative attempts of The New York City Math Exchange Group (MEG) on elementary mathematics teachers’ content knowledge in Adult Basic Education (ABE). The study is comparative in nature and took place in a workshop at the Adults Learning Maths Conference in Boston. The new members of the MEG professional development group were compared to the veteran members. It is observed that among the experienced MEG members, the ability to compute a division problem, create story problems, and reason mathematically and abstractly were higher than in other studies of U.S. teachers and the sample of new MEG members. It is concluded that it is only through comprehensive and ongoing staff development that all teachers can better understand, apply, and teach mathematics to their students.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Implementing the Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Math Standards: Our Research Stories. The ABE Math Standards Project. Volume 2.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The product of a project conducted in Massachusetts to apply the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” to adult basic education (ABE) learning environments, this volume is a collection of teacher-researchers’ essays on field-based application of the adapted standards. The following essays are included: “Can the Fear of Manipulatives Be Overcome?” (Debra Richard); “Making Connections in Math and Science” (Karen DeCoster); “‘It’s Not through the Book’” (Leonora E. Thomas); “Exploring the Metric System in a Workplace Education Class” (Judith Sulzbach); “Non-Traditional Problems in the Forefront” (Marilyn Moses); “Learning to Learn. How Long Does It Take?” (Leslie Arriola); “Manipulatives vs. Rote Memory” (Margaret Fallon); “When You Have a Problem, Use Your Head (…and Your Instinct)” (Thomson Macdonald); “‘They Never Asked… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – ABE Math Standards Project. Formative Evaluation Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In May 1992, 22 Massachusetts mathematics educators who either teach or coordinate/direct adult basic education (ABE) and General Educational Development (GED) programs were recruited into a group called the Math Team. During their monthly business/training sessions in central Massachusetts, members worked on various individual and team activities, including review and adaptation of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards for adult learning environments and production of newsletter for adult educators called “The Problem Solver.” Team members were interviewed during the eighth month of the yearlong project to determine their attitudes toward the Math Team’s operation and effectiveness as a staff development activity. Interviewees credited the Math Team with improving their understanding of mathematics and ability to reach students, helping them gain energy and motivation from… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Math Standards. The ABE Math Standards Project. Volume 1.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is the outcome of a project conducted in Massachusetts to apply the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” to adult basic education (ABE) learning environments. The first chapter describes the work of the Math Team, a committee of 22 adult basic education teachers who conducted the project. Four goals are discussed: review the NCTM standards and study their applicability to ABE; develop NCTM-based standards for four environments–ABE/basic literacy, adult secondary/General Educational Development, English as a Second Language, and workplace education; implement draft standards in field-based teacher research situations; and produce final standards and a report recording the teacher research process. Chapter 2 explores the characteristics of adult learners in each of these environments. Chapter 3 lists the… Continue Reading