tandfonline.com – Gender-fair assessment of young gifted students’ scientific thinking skills

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper describes an Israeli national-level research examining the extent to which admissions of elementary school students to the gifted programmes based on standardised tests are gender-fair. In the research, the gifted students consisted of 275 boys, 128 girls, and additional 80 girls who were admitted to the gifted programme through affirmative action (AA). To assess these young students’ scientific thinking skills, also referred to as science practices, open-ended questions of case-based questionnaires were developed. The investigated scientific thinking skills were question posing, explanation, graphing, inquiry, and metacognition. Analysis of the students’ responses revealed that gifted girls who entered the programmes through AA performed at the same level as the other gifted students. We found significant differences between… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Association between Teachers’ Use of Formative Assessment Practices and Students’ Use of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies. REL 2021-041

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Three Arizona school districts surveyed teachers and students in grades 3-12 in spring 2019 to better understand the association between teachers’ use of formative assessment practices and students’ use of self-regulated learning strategies and to help shape related teacher development efforts moving forward. Formative assessment is a set of practices that enable teachers and students to examine how learning is progressing throughout a lesson or related series of lessons, so that teaching and learning activities can be adjusted as needed. Self-regulated learning is a proactive process in which students select an appropriate learning strategy to advance their learning goals. The survey results indicated that responding teachers frequently gave students feedback but less frequently provided occasions for students to provide feedback to one another, while responding students frequently… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Investigation of How Teachers Score Constructed-Response Mathematics Assessment Tasks

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study identified some factors associated with teachers’ knowledge and beliefs that are related to scoring mathematics constructed-response (CR) assessment tasks. Five groups of teachers (n = 274) who either had different teaching experiences or had different cultural beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics were selected to score 28 students’ responses to seven CR math tasks. Among the 274 teachers, the first four groups (n=222) were selected from China. Group 1 was composed of pre-service elementary school teachers; group 2, pre-service secondary teachers; group 3, elementary in-service teachers; and group 4, secondary in-service teachers. The fifth group (n = 52) was composed of in-service middle school teachers from the United States. A number of analyses of variance (ANOVA) on teachers’ scores of the 28 responses and subsets… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Reasons for teachers’ successful development of a formative assessment practice through professional development – a motivation perspective

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Formative assessment has been shown to have the potential to significantly enhance student achievement, but a strong research base about how to support teachers to implement such a practice is lacking. This is particularly so for a conceptualisation of formative assessment as a unity of integrated formative assessment strategies. The aim of this study is to investigate why the mathematics teachers who participated in a successful professional development programme in formative assessment developed their formative classroom practice to such an extent that it had a significant impact on student achievement. An analysis of data from teacher questionnaires and interviews shows that the teachers’ actions can be explained by expectancy-value theory of achievement motivation. Characteristics of the professional development… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Assessment of the value of group-based counselling for career construction

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article reports on the change in the career adaptability of participants exposed to an intervention programme characterized by career and self-construction principles compared to the change in participants who participated in standard, traditional career counselling lessons. Convenience and purposive sampling were used to select two groups (experimental and comparison of Grade 11 learners). Intervention occurred in both experimental groups. A mixed methods, quasi-experimental, pre-test/post-test comparison group design was used to gather data. Pre- and post-test scores obtained on the Career Adapt–Abilities Scale (CAAS) were analysed. The quantitative results suggested that the intervention programme did not improve participants’ career adaptability compared to standard, traditional career counselling lessons as measured by the CAAS. Future research should include the use… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How to Assess the Potential to Teach: New Evidence from a STEM Teacher Assessment Centre Model in England. Data Insights Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recruiting and retaining excellent teachers remains a pressing policy issue in education systems worldwide. According to UNESCO estimates, 68.8 million teachers will need to be recruited globally to meet Sustainable Development Goal 4. However, simply recruiting more teachers will not be enough to meet this challenge: we need to recruit high-quality teachers who provide high-quality lessons to improve learner outcomes — and who will remain in the teaching profession. The high number of teachers who leave teaching early in their careers means that there is a crisis in teacher retention, and high staff turnover constitutes a major drain on the resources available to develop a strong education system. As part of our commitment to research and development, we have invested in the review of our Future Teaching… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Doing research with international assessment studies: methodological and conceptual challenges and ways forward

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – The EcoScale as a framework for undergraduate green chemistry teaching and assessment

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT An upper-year undergraduate practical examination is presented that utilizes the EcoScale (a semi-quantitative tool) and several established mass metrics to assess student understanding of green chemistry principles. This activity focuses on the straightforward preparation of a benzodiazepine via three different catalytic methods, and the analysis of individual experimental data during laboratory time. Students learn about the structure of the EcoScale, apply it as a simplistic life cycle assessment, and critique it as a scientific model. The examination complements more traditional expository and self-design experiments within a synthetic course where green chemistry and sustainability are central themes. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT Link til kilde