har udgivet: The aim of this case-study was to understand how chemistry teachers experience their work in diverse classes where the needs of differentiated teaching practices are constantly growing. The deeper intention was to perceive new information in order to develop supportive methods that could better correspond to teachers’ reality. Eight voluntary Finnish secondary school chemistry teachers participated in semi-structured interviews. Four categorial distinctions for successful chemistry teaching were found according to their beliefs: 1) to have more support and resources, 2) to be able to recognize students’ problems, 3) to use supportive materials and methods, and 4) to connect theory and practice with inspiring and meaningful activities. This study presents new insights about teachers’ beliefs of diversity and what is needed for successful chemistry teaching. Directions for further… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT “Flipping” the classroom refers to a pedagogical approach in which students are first exposed to didactic content outside the classroom and then actively use class time to apply their newly attained knowledge. The idea of the flipped classroom is not new, but has grown in popularity in recent years as the necessary technology has improved in terms of quality, cost, and availability. Many biostatistics instructors are adopting this format, but some remain unsure whether such a change would benefit their students. One potential barrier to adopting a flipped classroom is the common misconception that only a single approach is available. Having adopted the flipped approach in their own courses, the authors participated in an invited panel at the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In the present study, mobile technology was leveraged as a learning tool for core math instruction during a whole number multiplication and division unit. The researchers redesigned paper–pencil worksheets from the math curriculum into multimedia-enhanced, interactive math practice (the eWorkbook) accessed by students on an iPad. With this eWorkbook, which was conceptualized within a Universal Design for Learning framework, we aimed to reduce barriers and capitalize on strengths by embedding flexible scaffolds/supports, allowing for student choice, and incorporating evidence-based teaching practices. Results of this case study suggest students with and without learning disabilities can leverage multimedia to foster unique opportunities for the understanding and expression of mathematical knowledge. Additional affordances of the eWorkbook include extending the reach of teacher support while encouraging self-support. Implications for teachers and… Continue Reading →
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