tandfonline.com – Faith, reason and religious education: an essay for teachers of religions in a sceptical age

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Faith, reason and religious education: an essay for teachers of religions in a sceptical age Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Worked example or scripting? Fostering students’ online argumentative peer feedback, essay writing and learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study compared the effects of worked example and scripting on students’ argumentative peer feedback, essay and learning qualities. Participants were 80 BSc students who were randomly divided over 40 dyads and assigned to two experimental conditions (worked example and scripting). An online peer feedback environment named EduTech was designed and students were tasked with writing an argumentative essay, engaging in peer feedback, and revising their essay. The results indicate that students in the scripting condition benefited more than students in the worked example condition regarding peer feedback quality. Furthermore, the scores of students in both conditions improved from pre-test to post-test in terms of argumentative essay writing and learning. This difference was significant, however, between the two… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Using Essay Responses as a Basis for Teaching Critical Thinking – a Variation Theory Approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Educationalists have had serious problems in proposing well-grounded ways of teaching critical thinking. Reviews of the field have called for research to develop theory concerning the learning experience associated with critical thinking enhancement, as well as to explore more tailored teaching and evaluation methods. This article suggests an approach to teaching critical thinking with potential to handle these concerns. Based on an analysis of students’ essay responses, the article carries out a thought experiment to elaborate an example of design and enactment of lessons using the variation theory of teaching and learning. In this way, the article offers the research community a thorough description of a theory-driven and tailored tool for teaching and evaluating critical thinking, which deserves… Continue Reading