tandfonline.com – Sustainable development: Exploring gender differences in the Swedish national test in geography for grade 9

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This paper provides an analysis of how Swedish 15-year-olds perform on the high-stakes national assessments in geography. It explicitly addresses which item characteristics produce differential item functioning (DIF) in favor of boys and girls respectively. The findings show that DIF occurs in favor of girls in items with constructed response and primarily with content on the social dimension of sustainable development (SD), while boys are more favored by content outside the field of SD. The conclusions drawn are that content that reaches higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy favors girls, especially when the subject content concerns SD. This is important when analyzing the teaching and examination of sustainability issues in school. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Didactical dilemmas when planning teaching for sustainable development in preschool

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In this article we analyze preschool teacher students’ conversations during the planning of a teaching project concerned with sustainable development. Previous research shows that teaching situations often involve strategies of achieving behavioral change; i.e. teaching “the right way” to handle garbage, and less activities allowing children to value and critically discuss sustainability issues. We take a pragmatic theoretical perspective to identify discourses on didactic choices created by teacher students during seminars. Texts in the form of transcripts of audio recordings from three seminars were analyzed, with the purpose of determining what didactical dilemmas were created in the students’ discussions and in their reasoning about how to solve them. The results show a didactic dilemma common among the five… Continue Reading