har udgivet: Researchers investigated the relationship between the American Federation of Teachers’ Thinking Math (TM) professional development program and mathematics achievement of 5th grade students in an urban school district in the northeast. Four schools were studied; 3 had TM trained 5th grade math teachers. Questionnaires gathered demographic data and teacher self-evaluation of the influence, efficacy, and implementation of 7 TM principles. Student achievement was measured by Stanford Achievement Tests and the Pennsylvania State System of Assessment. Findings are based on 37 questionnaires from TM trained teachers and 203 student records. The TM program and, specifically, having a 5th~grade TM math teacher, had positive effects on mathematics and reading achievement scores. TM training’s effect on teacher confidence and implementation varied across the principles. (Author) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: A longitudinal case study of six children with autism and specified language and non-verbal profiles Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper presents a site and project description and the conceptual framework of the Curriculum Articulation Project (CAP) and its relation to current math and science education reform initiatives. CAP is based on the notion that the teacher is the best individual to ascertain the learning needs of the urban, and often economically disadvantaged, youth. The project addresses the concerns of reform proposals in math and science by striving to articulate the current curriculum, by ranking the skills and knowledge necessary to provide science and math literacy to urban youngsters, and by integrating math and science in units that address the unique needs of city youth. An appendix includes a unit from the program entitled “The Clean Water Problem,” which is a CAP project designed for grades… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Service-Learning stands out as a teaching approach that connects theory and practice by giving students the opportunity both to participate in a service that meets community needs and to reflect on the experience in class in order to gain a deeper understanding of the course content and an enhanced sense of civic engagement. The advantages of Service-Learning for inclusive education have recently been underpinned by studies, in which pre-service teachers are exposed to diverse population groups in schools or communities. Our study explores how Service-Learning is applied in teacher education in Austria. It is based on a series of semi-structured interviews with 13 teacher educators who apply this form of teaching in cooperative projects with schools. Our findings… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The potential use of computer-based assessments has raised concerns from educators, policymakers, and parents about information technology infrastructure in school districts and the preparation of staff and students to use new technologies for assessment purposes, and the potential impact of testing activities on core school functions, particularly teaching and learning. This case study documents lessons learned in the district- or school-wide administration of computer-based student assessments in the Burlington and Revere School Districts during the spring 2014 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) field test. The case study focused on three research questions: (1) What was the preparation process for district- and school-wide implementation of an online student assessment, including decision making on scheduling, staffing, professional development, technology and hardware, and test materials… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Psychometric properties of the Ani Banani Math Test Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report presents evaluation findings for the 1982 summer cycle of “Reading and Math Through the Community as Classroom,” a Title I funded program operated by the Division of Special Education, of the New York City Public Schools. The program was designed to provide supplementary remediation to 1,197 mildly to moderately handicapped youngsters, and incorporate community experiences and sports activities into reading and math instruction. Results of analyses of pupil achievement data and program interviews and observations indicated that the summer program effectively met its proposed goals. Nearly all of the program participants mastered one or more new skills in reading (87.8 percent) and in math (91.9 percent). Students were also reported by teachers to have made social gains. Program sites were well-chosen and staff were enthusiastic.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Physics- and computer-related disciplines are strongly male dominated in Western higher education. Feminist research has demonstrated how this can be understood as reflecting a strong privileging of mind and rationality (over body/nature/emotions) in these disciplines, which harmonises with broader notions of masculinity as transcendental and disembodied. However, as we demonstrate in this paper, being recognised as legitimate in these fields is also tightly connected to embodiment. Drawing on post-structural gender theory, we explore how notions of corporeality, style and aesthetics are articulated within computer engineering and physics settings at two higher education institutions, one in Canada, one in Sweden. Using empirical data from two case studies, we demonstrate that these disciplines are usually understood as ‘gender neutral’ by… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT As long-serving members of the IJMEST Editorial Board, we have looked back at the mission, vision and role of the journal over the last half-century, and what we see as essential ingredients in sustaining the intellectual health and classroom relevance of the journal. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This curriculum activities guide presents a series of instructional plans for practicing teachers who desire to infuse career education into curricular areas, grades 7 through 12. Introductory materials discuss the guide’s purpose and instructional thrust of Project MECCA (Migrant Education Counseling and Career Awareness). They also provide teacher’s materials such as hints for use of activities, suggestions for field trips, information on and forms for shadowing, and information on group processing tools, such as brainstorming, fishbowl technique, stop action, and role playing. The activity plans are organized by grade levels into language arts, social studies, and mathematics or science. Within these sections are placed activities at differing career or occupational knowledge levels. These activities are to be considered as examples, and teachers are encouraged to use them… Continue Reading →
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