tandfonline.com – Teachers’ motivation to participate in continuous professional development: relationship with factors at the personal and school level

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teachers’ motivation to participate in professional learning is a significant factor in explaining the effectiveness of continuous professional development programmes. The present study investigated how factors at teachers’ personal and school levels are related to their motivation to participate in professional learning activities. A questionnaire was completed by 472 Chinese teachers. Multivariate analysis revealed that several factors at the teacher level (teachers’ prior experience with learning activities, teaching experience, self-efficacy and conceptions of learning) and the school level (work and emotional pressure, colleague support and principal leadership) were related to their motivation to participate in professional learning. These findings are discussed in the context of the professional development of Chinese teachers. Implications are generated for teacher education and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Threshold Concepts: From Personal Practice to Communities of Practice. Proceedings of the National Academy’s Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference [E-publication] (Dublin, Ireland, June 27-29, 2012)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The 6th Annual Conference of the National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) and the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference was held at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, on June 27-29, 2012. The NAIRTL is a collaborative initiative between University College Cork, Cork Institute of Technology, National University of Ireland Galway, Trinity College Dublin, and Waterford Institute of Technology. It is supported by the Higher Education Authority under the Strategic Innovation Fund. The proceedings from the 2012 NAIRTL conference bring together “key insights” on the topic of Threshold Concepts. This publication includes a selection of papers from the conference. The papers provide insights into how to apply the Threshold Concepts idea to gain a deeper understanding of how students learn, and also how to… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The IJMEST Editorial Board over the decades: a personal retrospective perspective

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT As long-serving members of the IJMEST Editorial Board, we have looked back at the mission, vision and role of the journal over the last half-century, and what we see as essential ingredients in sustaining the intellectual health and classroom relevance of the journal. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Gender Differences in Interest, Perceived Personal Capacity, and Participation in STEM-Related Activities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Today, more women than in the past obtain degrees in science and engineering. However, women still remain underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This study identifies whether the Engagement, Capacity, and Continuity (ECC) Trilogy could be utilized by teachers in technology and engineering program setting to examine their students’ interest (engagement), perceived personal capacity (capacity), and participation (continuity) in technology- and engineering-related activities. The ECC Trilogy provides a practical framework that can potentially assist teachers in identifying what factors create barriers to students wanting to become an engineer or pursuing a career in a technology- or engineering-related field. In order to identify where a lack of interest may occur, this study compares male and female middle school and high school students’ responses to STEM-related survey… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Pre-service subject teachers’ personal teacher characterisations after the pedagogical studies

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study explored how five pre-service subject teachers characterised themselves as teachers after completing their year-long pedagogical studies in a Finnish university. Our narrative analysis of the interview data showed that the students shared a social representation of a past teacher characterised by wide power and emotional distance between pupils and the teacher. The students differentiated themselves from this kind of teacher character, and rather positioned themselves as interactive and caring educators identifying with their own ideal teachers as well as meaningful learning experiences in the pedagogical studies. Consequently, the study showed that engaging pre-service subject teachers in critical dialogue and reflection helps them to avoid static categorisations of ‘the teacher’ and to become authors of their own… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The gap between learners’ personal needs and institutional demands in second chance education in Germany

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In Germany about half of the adult learners who start second chance education drop out before graduation. In this paper we aim to contribute to an explanation for this low success rate. We focus on the normative expectations of learners: What are their expectations concerning teachers’ attention to their personal abilities, teacher support and the recognition of their needs, and to what extent are these expectations met by teachers? Our main assumption is that the greater the difference between learner’s expectations and teacher practice, the more likely learners are to become disengaged and be absent from school, and this may lead to school dropout in the future. We use a database of N = 420 learners in 7… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Good friend or good student? An interview study of perceived conflicts between personal and academic integrity among students in three European countries

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Good friend or good student? An interview study of perceived conflicts between personal and academic integrity among students in three European countries Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Students’ experiences of using digital technologies to address their personal research needs during the COVID-19 lockdown

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Digital technologies have been developed for postgraduate students to help them to access data and published research, write their dissertations, and communicate with their supervisors. In South Africa, the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled masters students to make greater use of digital technologies to ensure continuity and productivity under government-imposed lockdown at home. In previous studies, students have been observed to use digital technologies to address professionalisation or socialisation experiences at the expense of personalisation experience. This qualitative case study of five master’s students explores their experiences of using digital technologies during the COVID-19 lockdown. The participants were purposively selected from a larger sample of 14 students who participated in the researcher’s doctoral study. Semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Innovative Schools in Michigan. Connect: Making Learning Personal

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This second issue of “Connect” highlights innovative teaching as practiced by teachers and administrators in Michigan schools as they seek to provide greater personalization for every student’s learning. Nicholas Provenzano and Ben Gilpin give field reports from their schools, which have implemented a version of 20-Time–a concept borrowed from business where it has been used to encourage creativity in product development. 20-Time seeks to promote students’ motivation, autonomy, and communication and interpersonal skills in collaborative endeavors–all characteristics deemed essential for their working careers. Tara Maynard and Delia Bush provide field reports on their flipped math classes. Flipped classrooms take advantage of technology by reversing the traditional schoolwork-homework activities. This arrangement allows greater personalization, and creates extra class time for teachers to help individual students or small groups… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Perceived relevance of university physics problems by pre-service physics teachers: personal constructs

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT Pre-service physics teachers often do not recognise the relevance for their future career in their university content knowledge courses. A lower perceived relevance can, however, have a negative effect on their motivation and on their academic success. Several intervention studies have been undertaken with the goal to increase this perceived relevance. A previous study shows that conceptual physics problems used in university physics courses are perceived by pre-service physics teachers as more relevant for their future career than… Continue Reading