har udgivet: Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a popular trend in education due to the increased demand from American citizens to include CTE opportunities in schools along with federal funding to build new CTE programs and improve existing ones. Schools are tasked to improve student achievement. Testing performance is a central process to demonstrate satisfactory student achievement and school quality. In this study, the academic achievements of CTE completer high school graduates were measured by their performance on the nationwide American College Test (ACT), including the subjects of English, reading, writing, math, and science. CTE graduates in this study received CTE endorsements in the four program areas: 1) business and marketing education; 2) education, hospitality, and human services; 3) information and media technologies; and 4) skilled and technical… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The recruitment, development and retention of teachers and school leaders is a crucial underpinning for a successful education system. Ensuring there are sufficient numbers of high-quality teachers employed in schools is necessary for the school system to deliver a high-quality education for all children and young people, particularly as the Curriculum for Wales is being introduced. This National Foundation for Educational Research’s (NFER’s) first annual Teacher Labour Market in Wales report aims to analyse the state of the Welsh teacher labour market by measuring the key indicators and trends of teacher recruitment and retention. This is the first of three annual reports funded by the Nuffield Foundation, which will track changes over time. This report analyses Welsh Government school census data on teacher recruitment and retention to… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This evaluation reports findings from a study of a UCLA teacher education program called IMPACT, Inspiring Minds through a Professional Alliance of Community Teachers. To measure program quality and goal attainment, the evaluation team used a comprehensive, multiple measures approach which included instructional artifacts, classroom logs, measures of pedagogical content knowledge, performance assessments, and teaching attitudes and beliefs. The evaluation team found that math and science teacher apprentices who completed the IMPACT program generally had a positive opinion of the program and applied what they learned in the classroom to their teaching. However, the team also found that the program did not significantly increase the pedagogical content knowledge of teachers nor contribute to substantial changes in teacher instructional strategies across lessons. Differences found in the experience and… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Study after study has found that new teachers tend to be less effective than educators with more experience. But despite having more junior staff, charter networks (referred to as CMOs) often outperform their district peers. So what’s their secret? To find out, this study explores how teacher effectiveness varies and evolves across traditional and charter public schools, as well as within the sector’s CMOs and standalone schools. Using data collected by the Pennsylvania Department of Education between 2007 and 2017, George Mason University associate professor Matthew Steinberg and University of Pennsylvania doctoral student Haisheng Yang examine the impact that over 40,000 teachers in charter and traditional public schools had on students’ math and English language arts (ELA) achievement in grades three through eight. Among the report’s key… Continue Reading →