har udgivet: National achievement data show that elementary school students in the United States, particularly those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, have weak math skills (National Center for Education Statistics 2009). In fact, data show that, even before they enter elementary school, children from disadvantaged backgrounds are behind their more advantaged peers in basic competencies such as number-line ordering and magnitude comparison (Rathburn and West 2004). Furthermore, after a year of kindergarten, disadvantaged students still have less extensive knowledge of mathematics than their more affluent peers (Denton and West 2002). This study examines whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. A small number of curricula, which are based on different approaches for developing student math skills, dominate… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The study reported here addresses pre-service and in-service teachers’ attitudes toward mathematical-geometrical definitions. The goal of the study is to investigate whether understanding the role of definitions as classification and identification criteria will guarantee that participants: (1) accept that there may be more than one equivalent definition for particular concept; and (2) accept the minimal definitions which include necessary and sufficient attributes to be legal definitions. Fifty-three math educators participated the study, including 22 preservice junior teachers, 19 pre-service senior teachers and 12 in-service senior teachers. The findings indicate that considering (an) attribute/s as sufficient in order to classify examples and non-examples of the concept did not guarantee considering this/ese attributes as concept definition. 56% of the participants did not accept equivalent definitions as legal definitions, 36%… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Over the last couple of decades, there has been a growing call for teachers to become more responsive to the increasing cultural diversity of students as a means of improving students’ experiences in school and their learning outcomes. Challenges exist in working with secondary mathematics teachers due to the common belief that math is culture-free and the lack of images of culturally responsive teaching in secondary mathematics classrooms. In this research, we explored the affordances of the Cultural Inquiry Process project in building inservice secondary mathematics teachers’ capacity for cultural responsiveness. [For complete proceedings, see ED581294.] Link til kilde har udgivet: Technology is an indispensable part of the educational curriculum, and large budgets have been allocated to provide technological infrastructure in secondary education institutions in Turkey. It is important that teachers have the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) to successfully integrate technology into their courses. The aim of this study is to examine the development of the TPCK of a mathematics teacher who participated in in-service training course organized for the use of Geogebra software in geometry teaching. The in-service training is designed in accordance with the Technology Integration Model stages, and Geogebra software is used taking into account the learning outcomes of 9th and 10th grade secondary school geometry. The case study method has been employed, and data was collected through interviews, observation, self-assessment forms, and field… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The aim of this study is four fold: (a) to investigate the beliefs of elementary (grades 1-3) and middle school (4-6 grades) math teachers about teaching, learning and nature of mathematics; (b) to explore their teaching practices of mathematics; (c) to study the impact of their educational qualifications, years of experience, major on their beliefs toward teaching, learning and nature of mathematics, and; (d) to explore the relationship between their beliefs about teaching learning and nature of mathematics and their teaching practices. Data were collected using two questionnaires: the Math Teacher Beliefs Scale and the Mathematics Teaching Practices Scale. The study sample consisted of 101 teachers who teach in 11 private schools located in Amman, Jordan. The result of this study showed that teachers’ beliefs towards teaching… Continue Reading → har udgivet: A mixed methods study is used to investigate the effectiveness of a professional development program intended to enhance teacher knowledge and student learning so as to systematically improve student achievement in elementary literacy. In this study, a large urban school district partnered with a local university to provide intervention in a Title 1, low-performing elementary school. Measures included teacher knowledge and practices based on surveys, classroom observation, and student achievement data. Teachers self-reported their perspectives on school-based teacher training in terms of its significance, requirements, challenges, and possible solutions to teacher training. Schools were selected based on their Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in reading/ language arts’ status. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is a measurement defined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act that allows the U.S.… Continue Reading → har udgivet: A professional development experience for science and mathematics teachers that included coaches was provided for ten science and math teachers. This professional development experience had the teachers develop a lesson that utilized the engineering context to teach a science or mathematics concept through guided inquiry as an instructional methodology. Developing a guided inquiry lesson can be a difficult task for teachers. Science teachers have inquiry standards that they must meet and research indicates that teaching through guided inquiry is an effective method of teaching science content. Mathematics teachers are being asked to incorporate more active and cooperative instructional experiences in in their classrooms. Results of the professional development experience indicate that all but one of the teachers were successful in developing and implementing guided inquiry lessons within… Continue Reading → har udgivet: During the spring and summer of 2012, the Tennessee Department of Education trained about 200 Common Core Coaches who then went on to facilitate summer trainings for thousands of the state’s third through eighth grade math teachers. The following summer, the training sessions reached nearly 30,000 teachers across the state, covering math, English language arts, and literacy in science, social studies, and career and technical education. The Tennessee Core Coach training model was designed to develop a network of teachers with a deep content and pedagogical knowledge of the Common Core State Standards who could pass the knowledge on to their peers during formal training sessions and informal interactions throughout the year. Coaches were Tennessee teachers selected via a competitive application and interview process. Coaches received eight… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The article discusses the development of an educational model intended to support teachers’ professional development in science education. In this research and development project, LumaLähetit, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and teacher educators formed teams to collaboratively plan teaching and produce material for inquiry-based and integrative science instruction in primary schools. The results are based on three design cycles of the model. Thus far, ten schools, 24 in-service teachers, 30 pre-service teachers, and 560 pupils have participated. The results, which are based on the qualitative content analysis of participants’ open answers to a questionnaire, indicate that the developed collaborative model for science education supported preservice teachers and in-service teachers’ professional development in many ways. Several processes mediating the embodiment of the designed model were identified, especially during the… Continue Reading → har udgivet: In this presentation, we introduce a conceptual framework for in-service professional development–the Whole Teacher approach, which attends simultaneously to the attitudes, knowledge, and practice of a teacher’s growth. Putting the framework in operation, we describe a project designed to improve teachers’ competence and increase children’s performance in early mathematics. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, pre- and post-measures with intervention and comparison groups have been collected. The results indicated that significant growth in children’s mathematical performance favored to the intervention group. The discussion focuses on the significance of the Whole Teacher approach to teacher professional development. [For the complete proceedings, see ED584443.] Link til kilde